4. Playing Games

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    It was an amazing sunny day in Monaco. It wasn't too hot and the wind was just perfect for a yacht day with friends. Daniel, Samantha, Michael, and I had just arrived to the port of Monaco. Max and Kelly were waiting for us with other friends I wasn't sure who they were. I was really excited to see Max again and finally be able to meet Kelly. Him and I had kept in contact all these years and he would always come visit before the US Grand Prix. My relationship with him was different than the relationship I had with Daniel. It could have been the age difference or just the fact that I was never able to be fully honest to Daniel when it came to the love subject. Probably because he was my crush. But Max was different, Max new every detail of my life and he kept it to himself.

- "MY FAVORITE LITTLE GIRL JUST ARRIVED!" I heard Max yelling when he could see me getting on the boat. I could see how he opened his arms for me to hug him and I ran towards him in that exact moment to give him a tight hug that lasted over 20 seconds 

" I've missed you so much. Telling you about my love life over the phone is definitely not the same" he said still hugging me. I let a small laugh out and after saying an "I miss you too" I broke the hug to direct my attention to Kelly 

- "Kelly I am so glad I can finally meet you! I was so mad you couldn't come for the US Grand Prix!" I said before hugging my friend's gorgeous girlfriend. Despite being older than us Kelly was by far the most beautiful girl I had seen in like forever. I knew how happy she made Max and how much of a support she was for him 

"you can't even imagine how glad I am Max found someone like you" I added to my comment and could see a genuine smile on her face 

-" Sophie it's my pleasure. Even though I feel I know you already. Max talks so much about you" her and Max laughed when they saw the expression of concern on my face 

"Don't worry. He just says amazing things about you" she kindly said and I faked a relieve sight that made everyone laugh. Everyone but Daniel. I turned around when Kelly and Max directed their attention to Michael and Samantha and that's when I realized Daniel was not standing next to me anymore.

I could hear Daniel's voice far away from me. He was with another group of people on the second level of the boat. I could see how a beautiful blonde, probably a model, was hanging from his neck while laughing. What is going on in here? And why do I care? I could see how the guys were starting to walk to the second level towards them and I just followed the group not really wanting to be close to that scene. The blonde's name happened to be Amara. She was an Australian model Daniel had met couple years ago. With her, came her very attractive brother Scott, another girl named Vannessa, and Anthony. 

After a couple drinks and chats we found ourselves sitting in a circle about to play truth or dare. I was sitting between Max and Scott, who was flirting with me the whole time. Samantha was sitting next to him and Michael while Daniel was immerse in his conversation with the models. 

- "Daniel, you ask" I said as soon as I saw the bottle pointing at him. I could see how he smiled at me in a cocky way. "Truth" I said before he could even start asking

-"Lame" he said still with a smile on his face 

"Would you hook up with the guy to your right?" he looked at me with a smirk and then he stared at Andrew. I could feel myself blush even though I tried my best not to

- "I- he- I" I found myself stuttering while interchanging my look between Daniel and the blue eye guy next to me. Scott, not Max. My new acquaintance looked at me with a smile on his face trying to comfort me.

"He's very handsome. If I knew him better I don't see why not" I don't even know where I got the confidence from but that came out of my mouth followed by a confident smile on my face. I could see Daniel smile turning into a frown and that was my sign to flip the bottle. 

The game kept going for about an hour more and I could notice how we were all getting drunk. Between turn and turn and in the middle of laughters I could see how Daniel and Amara were busy with each other. I could see her grabbing Daniel's biceps while he said something supposedly funny to her. Out of nowhere I could smell the unmistakable scene, if it could even be called that, of a cigarette to my right. As I turned to find out where was the smell coming from I saw Scott placing a cigarette between his lips. 

- "Would share one?" I asked showing my best smile to the very handsome boy next to me

-"Of course gorgeous" he smiled while handing me the cigarette I just asked him for. I could see Samantha's surprised face when she saw me grabbing it. I turned to look to my right and could see Max's disapproval face.

- "Are you trying to piss him off?" my best friend whispered very low while opening his eyes at me. Max knew I didn't smoke and he also knew me so well to know I was feeling the jealousy running through my veins 

"You know there's no nee-" He was still whispering before being interrupted by an Australian accent we both knew well

-" I didn't know you started smoking Sophie. You changed a lot" I could see the challenging look in his eyes, his jaw clenching and his hands forming a fist. For a second I felt guilty because I didn't want him to think I was a smoker. However, knowing that I could piss him off was enough for me to keep pushing 

- "When was the last time we went out together Dan? There's so much you don't know about me" I replied with the same challenging look on my face but giving him a smile at the same time

- "Know you enough to know you would never smoke. Now drop that cigarette" he talked back. I could see him muttering an inaudible "please". I don't know what got into me but I leaned towards Andrew to let him light up the object that had caused a controversy in the boat.

- "Ok guys, it was my turn to ask" said Michael trying to deviate the tension in the air. He looked at Samantha with a begging look almost asking her to get him out of that situation once all the stares were directed towards him 

"Sam, choose two people to jump in the water" he finished. I could see my roommate's smile growing bigger. 

- "Dan and Soph, get those swimming suits ready" she yelled making everyone but Daniel and I laugh. I protested a little until I saw Daniel getting rid of his t-shirt showing his athletic body. I could tell it was hard for every woman on the boat to not stare at his arms and abs. Daniel was one who always took every stare with him. I noticed his confident smile when he looked at me and offered his hand to help me stand up. I smiled back at him and took a quick look at Amara who didn't look too happy. I put the cigarette down and  took my dress off letting my white bikini out. Daniel's stare was burning me. I could feel my cheeks heating and right away I knew I had blushed. 

Daniel and I jumped from the front of the boat with everyone cheering at us. Max and Michael both took a picture of the two of us in the water to then go sit back with everybody else while Daniel and I swam to the rear of the boat. 

-" Let me help you" the Australian said and waited for me to nod in approval to grab me by my waist. The movement caught me off guard and mixed with the drinks in my head I just moved closer to him. 

"Careful" he almost whispered before tightening the grip on my waist. We were so close I could smell the whiskey on his breath. I could feel my heart racing and the moment I laid my hand on his chest I could feel his heartbeat going just as fast as mine

- "Are you having fun?" I whispered so close to his mouth I was forced to close my eyes for a second 

- "You're going to drive me crazy, huh?" he smiled getting closer to my ear. I got shivers running down my body at the minimal touch of his lips to my ear

"It's a shame I don't like the smell of cigarette" he whispered and proceed to lift me up and had me sat on the boat. He pulled himself towards me leaving a quick peck on the left corner of my mouth. Leaving me alone.

It was game on. 


Hey guys! Hope you like it! I am falling behind on episodes because I've been catching up with fam and friends! I hope you guys have an amazing week!

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