7. Afraid

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Daniel's POV

I woke up with a hangover, my head was pounding. Checked my phone to see the time. 11am. I also had a text from Amara. "Last night was great. Can't wait for next time". I covered my face and murmured a big deep 'fuck'. I spent the whole night with Amara at the club, my mouth was on hers the whole time and I was letting her grind on me. Somehow I thought she would distract me from Sophia. I had found out that I can't control myself around who used to be my best friend. Seeing her in that dress last night was a big tease. I didn't deprive myself from caressing her body. I didn't deprive myself from planting kisses on her skin. I wanted to kiss all over her body but even I had a limit. A memory suddenly came back to me

-"Are you having fun flirting with my future brother in law?" I said still holding her arm. I could see a smile appearing on her face. I wanted to kiss her right there. Having taste her lips the night before just made me want more. Now that I knew how her lips tasted I was afraid of growing a need towards them. '

-"Definitely not having more fun than your tongue inside my future sister in law's mouth" She answered and I could tell her smile was fake. I could tell she was upset and I wanted to grab her and take her home with me and tell her I wouldn't upset her anymore. But we are just friends, and that could never change. I did not want her to think she had any power over me or I owe her anything. She didn't owe me anything neither. 

"Daniel, we need to keep the line between our friendship and our professional relationship" She said getting me confused. She could see the confusion in my face before continuing letting her thoughts speak 

"I am telling you this as your PR. For God's sake Daniel. You're in a night club pretty much having public sex with a girl that' s not your girlfriend. I don't want to clean your mess before the season even starts" she was serious. She was mad and she was right. But I was drunk and I wasn't going to let her win this one.

-"Well I didn't see you too worried while you were dancing with Scott. And don't worry about it" I paused for a second to analyze her facial expression. Her cheeks were blushing but I am sure it was out of anger. The thought of how cute she looked crossed my mind. The thought of kissing her again also slipped through my mind for a mili second. And then, I finished my sentence. 

"I'll make her my girlfriend at some point" I let out. She looked straight into my eyes for good couple seconds as if she was waiting for a sign I was joking. I kept my face straight and walked pass her to use the restroom. 

Once I was out of the restroom I made my way to the dancing floor just to see her making out with Scott. I would be a liar if I said it didn't annoy me. Although we got nothing going on between the two of us I wished she wasn't my good friend and I didn't feel the need of taking care of her heart. It was hard to make sure she didn't get hurt knowing that I was her biggest threat. The trigger of my actions though, was seeing her leaving the night club with him.

Anyways, in my rush from keeping myself away from Soph I ended up bringing Amara home. Amara is a gorgeous girl, we really don't have too much in common other than the nationality we shared. I took her home immediately after we finished bonding if you could call it that. I was not the type of cuddling nor spending the night with someone else on my bed. Every woman that decided to get involved with me was well aware that although they were going to be treated right, I wasn't looking for a relationship. I left my bed shirtless and wearing pajama pants and headed to the girls' room to ask them if they wanted breakfast. I knocked the door and heard Soph's sweet voice.

-"Why do you knock? Just come in" she said and that was my cue to open the door. She was wearing really short pajamas, but rather than sexy she looked cute, she looked gorgeous with her messy bum and fighting with her suitcase to get everything to fit.

-"Nice pajamas. Scott didn't stay?" I asked faking a smirk. I wondered the whole night if she had done the same thing I did. I prayed for a mini second her answer would be no. It was hard to imagine her with somebody else.

-"Thanks. I don't have people staying over at other's apartments" She said without looking at me. I walked through the room and sat in the bed facing her but her head was still looking down while she was trying to close that suitcase.

"Don't you have to make breakfast for Amara or something?" I was so distracted looking at her that I almost forgot they were flying back to England today. I also completely missed the fact that Samantha was not in my condo, which meant she had stayed with Michael. 

-"I don't let girls spend the night in bed with me" I realized how cocky that sounded when her head snapped towards me and she just shook her head in a disappointment gesture. I was getting under her skin. We used to argue quite often before she moved to the US but I use to hate upsetting her. Lately, I was enjoying pissing her off. I just didn't think it was fair to be the only upset one every time I saw her around other men. 

"Did you have a quickie and kicked him out? How rude of you" I said and then laughed. I was behaving like an asshole for sure. But once again, I loss control of my actions around her. I could see how offended she got when she stood up to stand right in front of me. 

- "You let me sleep with you literally two nights ago and of course not, I'm not as easy Dan" she said in a sarcastic way staring down at me. Of course I knew she was referring to Amara. And of course I was aware we slept together. I leaned my head to the left and licked my lip still staring at her. I hold onto her wrist and pulled her down towards me without hurting her. I was sitting on the edge of the bed while she was pretty much sitting on my lap while I hold her wrist. We were closed, really closed, I could feel her breath. I noticed how accelerated she was breathing, it made me wonder if she wanted to kiss me as well. 

- "I'm sorry. I know you're not like that" I said looking into her eyes. I was afraid to upset her or offend her. She was just there. Still closed to me. Not moving at all

"You slept next to me because you're different Soph. You and I won't have sex. You're like a little sister to me. You're not like any other girl in my life. I care for you" For the first time in what felt like forever I was feeling weird to call her my little sister. The frown on her face showing the annoyance growing on her was telling me that she finds it weird to be called that by me. 

-"Last time I checked siblings don't make out. Especially not the way we did" She came closer to me if that's even possible. Oh how the tables turned. I had pulled her down towards me to make her nervous but I ended up trapped between her and the bed making me the nervous one instead. She bit her lip possibly waiting for an answer and I couldn't help but lick my lips. Sophie proceeded to brush her lips against mine sending a million sensations through my spine. She was pushing my bottoms and I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to be able to take it.

- "Soph, you're driving me crazy" I said almost groaning. She just smiled to keep brushing her lips against mine. The tease of being so close to kiss her was starting to make me lose control. I turned my head away from her bitting the inside of my cheeks. I could not stare at her any longer without making a move on her. I was definitely not going to do something I would regret. At least not today. 

-"What are you afraid of Dan?" She asked softly grabbing my chin and turning my face towards her making me look at her again. Are we really having this conversation today?

Hey guys! I've been really busy with grad school and work! Idek if anyone is reading this because I am not too familiar with the app! But in case anybody is I am so sorry I haven't been updating! I'll try to do it more often. I have another chapter in the drafts but I didn't want to post it without starting the 9th. I hope you guys are having a great first month of the year and I can't wait for the season to start.

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