11. A Game for Two

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Daniel was laying next to me. We were watching some action movie he chose. To be honest I hadn't pay attention to a single second of the movie. Daniel's smell was too distracting. He has smell like this since I met him. He has never changed his cologne. It is a very exclusive brand so it was not common to smell it anywhere else but when Daniel was close to me. I looked at him through the corner of my eye and I could see him looking back at me. I tried so hard not to feel embarrassed that he had catch me staring at him but I was sure my cheeks were as red as they could possibly be. He passed his arm around my shoulders letting me lay against his. I looked up to see him again just to find a smiley Daniel really focused on the movie. With that image I just fell sleep. 

The annoying sound of the alarm woke me up. My neck was in pain and I could still feel Daniel's smell in the room. The sensation of a hard chest against my hand was what made me fully open my eyes and panic. Daniel was under me. Looking at me with a smile on his face. 

- "My neck hurts so much" I murmured for myself getting away from Daniel

-"Hey! try having a sleep arm for the whole night" Daniel complained energetically. How can someone have this much energy so early in the morning? When the thought of having slept with Daniel again sinked in I wanted to make a comment about him 'not sleeping with girls', however I didn't want to make the situation more tense after what had happened back in London. 

-"Why didn't you wake me up?" I said rolling my eyes at him 

-"Well, you looked comfortable and I was too sleepy to get up and go to my room to be honest" he said getting out of bed and without looking at me

"I'll see you at the track, aight?" Daniel finished

-" Sure, you have an interview with Sky. I hope you know that" I smiled at him even though he was not seeing me 

-"Thanks for the reminder" he said and closed the door behind him 

The weather wasn't so bad in Bahrain, you could say. It was hot but it wasn't as hot as we were used to. I could bet the drivers were really thankful about this. I was just standing outside the Mclaren hospitality waiting for Daniel to arrive and praying he wouldn't be too late. 

-"You seem very worried" said the blonde guy hugging me really tight. I never understood why Max creates this asshole character for the F1 world when in reality he is a cupcake. 

"Is Daniel already giving you a headache? I'll kick his ass" he said sounding like a 5 years old

-"He's just a little late for the interview. Is Kelly with you?" I ask hoping I can spend the whole week in Bahrain with her instead of the guys. We were staying until next Monday since the teams had testing this weekend and the first race was the upcoming weekend. Long week ahead of all of us

-"Yes, shoot her a text so you girls can have a girls night out or something" Max said not showing too much interest

"Is everything ok between you and Dan? Has he done anything stupid?" he asked

-" Well, we had a moment a couple weeks ago. He came to my house after my date with Mason" a frown showed up on my face thinking of how I hadn't seen Mason since then. We exchanged a couple text messages but nothing major. 

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