9. Night Visitor

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Warning: Explicit content

It was Saturday already and I was in my room waiting for Mason to pick me up. The week went by really fast. I spent my Thursday at the MTC catching up with uncle Zak and got to see Mason again. We had realized we hadn't exchange our phone numbers and he didn't know where to pick me up. It was Saturday now and I knew nothing from Daniel. However; I was not worrying about the Australian at all. My mind was occupied thinking of the "date" I was about to have tonight with the handsome British lawyer I had met couple days ago. I couldn't help but smile at myself. I was wearing a red midi dress perfectly shaped to my body, a black coat and gloves. I felt my phone vibrating on my lap and right away knew Mason was outside waiting for me. 

Once I was outside my house I could see how he ran out of the car to open the door for me. He was wearing dark grey pants, a light blue shirt, and a coat. Mason is a very handsome man. His smile could literally melt me even with the freezing temperatures we were facing in London. He made a comment about how good I looked and I could feel my cheeks on fire while I was getting inside the car. 

- "How are you doing with the cold? Let me turn the heater on" - Mason said while getting inside the car. I could just whisper a thanks. I could not point my finger on what was about Mason that made me so nervous but I was blushing every other second whenever he was around.

"Darling, are you alright?" He asked once he noticed I had barely answered to his question. I could see the concern in his face when a small frown appeared 

-"I am great. I'm sorry if I'm acting weird" I said trying to look at him in the eyes as much as I could

"To be fully honest, I get a little nervous when you're around" I didn't want to beat it around the bush. He was concerned about the way I was acting and I much rather tell him what was going on for him not to worry. I could see that perfect smile coming on his face and a slight blush on his cheek 

-"You're so sweet Soph. Don't think I'm too confident myself" He said with a small smile still on his face. He could not look at me because he was driving but if he could he would have realized how blushed I was again

"I am kind of nervous as well" he laughed for a second. I couldn't help but think how confident and cocky Daniel would have been in this situation. Mason seemed to be so sweet and emotionally available. He was almost as if my description of the perfect man had became a reality and was now sitting right next to me driving me to dinner on a cold February night.

We had just gotten to a nice restaurant at the top of one of London's largest skyscrapers. You could see the whole city from our table and I wondered if the British lawyer had this specific table set apart from us or we just had gotten lucky. Either ways, the view was breathtaking.

- "You're fancy, huh?" I said jokingly to break the ice between the two of us

-" I honestly don't come here to often. I rather much more simple places" I could tell he was blushing while saying this

"I just thought you deserved a nice evening" he said while holding my hand and suddenly I was the nervous one. The touch of his hand was new to me. I could feel the nervousness going away when he gave me a reassuring smile. I was suddenly at ease. 

The dinner was going great. Our food was already in the table and the tension between us was gone. We were laughing about dumb comments Mason was making. Although he was a serious guy, you could tell he got a goofy side on him. Our laughs were interrupted by the sudden sound of my phone ringing. We both look at the device on the table that showed a name we both recognized right away.  Mason's face showed a small frown and that was my queue to face the phone screen towards the table. 

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