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Douma prov:
today is just another emotionless day, people coming in asking for help and shelter i "hate" having to feel pity for these low life creatures, always crying, sobbing, but it does "feel" intoxicating to rip them open and eat them more woman then man.
Akaza always yells at me when i eat women oh he always punches me and rips my head off he my "best friend"...
But today is different a woman with black/blue hair came in holding an infant she had bruises all over her. I had a strange feeling inside me what was it?...."excuse me sir".she talked to me such a sweet voice~"what is the matter young one?"i said."i-i heard this place can help me with my problems..".poor girl i feel sad for her?is that what this emotion is called?"yes young one this is the eternal paradise, this is where people come to stay here and i helped them by the blessing of god".i said..."oh-h i see can i ask a question can me and my son inosuke stay here for some help my husband has been really asbusive towards me and i don't want him to hurt inoskue."she said...her husband is abusive that explains why she is coverd in bruises."Of course you can stay here as long as you like, oh by the way my names is douma whats your~?"."oh sorry for not telling you my name earlier my name is Kotoha Hashibira, and thank you for letting me stay here"kotoha said. she soon lifted her head and i got a clear look of her face she is beautiful i blushed a little.

 she soon lifted her head and i got a clear look of her face she is beautiful i blushed a little

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she smiled with delight and so did i.
"nice to meet you kotoha and inosuke" the child know as inosuke look at me and drooled on his cheek kotoha hugged him and smiled.
"kotoha follow me please and ill take you to your and inosuke room"."Thank you so much douma-kun"!kotoha said..douma-kun that's new and i like it!!!

"down this hallway and turn this way and here your room!~"

"down this hallway and turn this way and here your room!~"

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"douma this room is beautiful. Are you sure i can stay here?"kotoha said.
"of course oh and if you need anything just call one of my servants and they will get it for you, but for right now i have a meeting ill see you tommorow night bye~!"
"goodbye and thank you!"
today i have to go to lord muzan meeting, all the uppermoons will be there i can't wait to see my bestfriend!!!

at the infinity fortress

upper moon 6
Daki and Gyuutarou

douma's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now