Growing up chapter 7

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--!Swearing in chapter!--

~2 years later~

it has been 6 months since the day Kotoha passed on, with her gone i had to watch y/n even though she is a 2 years old she is very smart.
She is already writing her own books and study living creatures. Im so proud of her, my little y/n growing up!
When muzan comes to "visit" he is always impressed on how a young child can do this, so he spends the night talking to y/n and asking question when she goes out in the daytime.Y/n just walks around the temple and goes to the pond where kotoha told my her past, when it's night time i she y/n looking out towards the pond."Hello there y/n!"'hello father"y/n turned to me and smiled."Were you here the whole day?"i asked"yes dad,i come here to look at the cherry trees, i like how they look at night and how the light of the fireflies make some of the petals glow".
I smiled at y/n i picked her up and hugged her "ok My little lotus time for bed"!"already?"
"Yes my lotus you need your beauty sleep". i said as i cared y/n to her room "fine"y/n giggled.

no one prov:
But one day when y/n went out during the day y/n didn't go to the pond, she instead went down towards the human village.She saw alot of these, like animals and carts, etc.y/n walked further and found her way towards a street covered in red wood and lanterns nobody was there at the moment,but as soon as the sunset it was like it was still daytime lights everywhere music and way to many people.when y/n was looking around she felt like she was being watched.

I went to the pond to find  y/n isn't there i started to worry but then i tracked down her scent.
'she went to the human village?' as soon said that a thought popped into my mind those demon slayer! i have to find y/n!
i went to the village only to she alot of people. damn i might be a little difficult to find y/n but then i also have friends around her to help me upper moon 6 daki and gyutaro. I keeped looking for y/n i see her headed by where daki works. i have yo find a way in there.

i walked towards a house only to she girls all around, i just walked past them but then i hear someone crying? I follow the noise only to she a broken door and a girl crying, i then go to her and hugged her "are you alright"?i asked she was crying to much to talk "HEY!" i turned around to she a lady staring daggers into me "WHAT the hell is a dirty brat doing in my room?!"......what did she say....."and you girl i told you to clean this room and yet it is still dirty!" she grabbed the girl by the ear "STOP THAT YOU UGLY BEAST!""HUH? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?EVERYONE LEAVE NOW im about to teach this brat a lesson!"everyone left the lady then changed...."YOU think you can just walk in here and boss my around and call me names, well you die here tonight bit--Daki." the lady then froze i look behind her only to find my dad and muzan."lord muzan, douma" she then bowed "what brings you here?""well daki i was looking for my daughter but i see you already found her and i don't like how you're treating her."my father said.muzan was there looking at daki with disapointment, daki was scared."come y/n lets go and do a check up on you, douma i will be taking y/n back to my estate, when you have time meet me there".i then left with muzan

i waved y/n goodbye
"now daki what gives you the idea to call my DAUGHTER a bitch?""Im sorry douma-sama i--i didn't know she was youre daughter i swear!"
"I can see that but still" I dislocated her arms and legs and then ripped her head off "Now don't ever speak to my daughter that way i gave you a chance for you and you're brother to live, don't make me take it away."......"also dont call my daughter a bitch, just look how you dress if anything you're the bitch or even worse a hoe........Bye bye~"
i then left to see y/n.

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