Forget part 3

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Y/n Pov:




As soon as the blank canvas apeared it vanished when the voice of him was heared.

When he mention Akaza name I knew he had found out what Akaza told me.

'shit, shit, SHIT'!

"Now, now you shouldn't be cussing. Akaza if fine at least for now, but return home I would like to have a word with you. If you refuse then i'm afraid that uppermoon 3 position might be missing".

My heart sank at the last words he said.


A small laugh was heard

"Still with the language, but it's better than swearing I suppose... Now back to the matter at hand if you don't return uppermoon 3 position 'might' be missing, but if you STILL don't come I will being sending someone to you. Don't disapoint me"

'he' left as soon as he came


I thought about what I should do, if I go then Akaza will be fine but if I don't he'll be 'killed' and i'll have someone after me.

As I thought more the blank canvas came back, but before I was consume by the darkness a fight broke out.

I then got curious to see who was fighting, I hope it's not that pot demon he really pissed me off.

I moved closer to the fight then I went to the top of a tree to get a better view.

A boy was fighting a demon... No it was the same boy from the train, the one that the flame hashira was protecting, I wonder if he's alright.

Just then a small boy was flung through the air

"WOAH that little peanut went flying, did ya see"!

"Silence, your annoying"!

"aww, come on have some fun, OH there's still two left wanna take em"?

The one that appears to be angry just scoffed.

"silent treatment huh? Fine i'll take the demon, have fun with the slayer"

A gust of wind was formed knocking part of the house off.

This was bound to be interesting, but I do feel bad for the kid he's been through so much. But I mean he did become a demon slayer so he choosed his path.

As I sat and watch both the boy and the demon girl had trouble with these demon one had a control of wind with his little fan and the other had lightning able to stun both a human and demon.

The girl got stabbed through the neck and became paralized and the boy struggling with...another one? A demon who has wings and talons interesting, but the fight didn't last long. The boy was about to be carried but a gunshot was heared, the shot was aimed at the lightning demon.

The demon look at him with a scowl.

Now it's going to get interesting, another fight was about to happen but kind of shortly lasted.

The boy was carrind up in the air, the demon girl was stuck with the wind demon and the gun person was... stabbed in the stomach?

"poor child"

"Just kill him"!

As the two demons talked the boy was still alive.


"im-mpossable I stabbed you in the vital area"

"hehe HAHA I am genya, you will die by my hand demon".

then another gunshot was heared

Just before another fight started the boy and he bird like demon came crashing down.

A good minute passed by

The boy slowly emerged from the ground, then charged at the demon.

"huh, you are all idiots"

Before the demon was able to send lightning through out the building the boy was able to stop it using the talon of the other demon.

Smart boy using a part of the demon to stop the blow, the demons are split personalites of the original one so they have the same cells and wouldn't be affected by the attack.

As again another fight was to break out I thought about how funny it was that nobody have notice me yet but sadly I jinxed myself. I stood up and the branch I stood on cracked.


All heads turned my way.

"OHH another person and a beauty at that" the wind demon said

"So it was you who was watching us" the lightning demon said

I stood there

"If you knew that I was there why didn't you say anything"? I said.

"HAHA she got you there, also why didn't you say anthing"? the wind demon said.

"idiot I just felt the energy of someone watching" the lightning demon said.

The wind and lightning demon began to argue while the others watched.

As it went on I suddenly got the feeling I got before the 'blank canvas' was back, As I falled deeper into the darkness a voice called out.

"YOOHOO pretty lady you there"?


"I said YOOHOO pretty lady you there" the wind demon said.

"yeah I heared that part, what did you say before" I said.

"OHHH, I introduce us. But you weren't paying attention so i'll repeat myself we are uppermoon 4"

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