forget part 2

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Y/n pov:

As I kept thinking about what would happen to Akaza if Muzan found out I couldn't help but feel guilty.

Akaza made a choice that could easily affect his future, so why did he do it?

Was it to get back on that demon that is so called my father? Or was it for a different reason, I felt curious.

As I make my way into and through the forest, I could almost feel like someone is watching me but i brushed the feeling off.

'it's probably an animal of some sort' I thought

I then found a cobble path leading to a village of some sort. I choose to mostly avoid it not wanting to cause attention to myself but just then a pot just sat in the middle of the path.

'Huh? Why would a pot be here?'

I stood still mainly because it's suspisious for a pot to be lying here.

"ahh, the hot springs are refreshing this time of year"

'shit, a human'

I had to stay clear of sight from that human or it would be trouble for me. I lightly jumped back being careful i don't make any noise to alert this human, surrounding myself to the darkness of the night to be avoid.

As I watch the human make his way down the path he also notices the pot that I had saw from earlier.

"huh? what's this doing here"?

When he got closer to the pot my eyes widen in horror, that poor man was sucked into the pot causing his bones to shift, crunch and shatter and then only to be spit out.

"mhm lowly humans flesh just taste utterly horrible, wouldn't you agree" a voice came from the pot, then apearing as a morphed disgusting creature. The demon had an eye for a mouth and one on in the middle of his forehead and two mouths for eyes.

"mhm? what's the matter demon, did the beauty of my perfect form make you speechless or was it my artwork"?

Since the demon notice me, so I came out then his eyes widen ever so slightly.

"Oh my you look like someone I know, now then what is a lowly level demon doing in the swordsmith village I do believe that master Muzan only sent two demons here so what's your reason"? the demon said smiling with a horific grin.

"what's my reason you say? Well i'll put it simply for you I just happen to be walking around to help clear my mind but with your present here it only made my mood more sour. Also that so called 'artwork' is a piece of trash, why don't you stick to somthing your good at and get out of my way" I spoke with vemon in my voice.

"dear me you have such a temper, your looks don't go well with that filthy mouth of yours. Now then why don't I teach you some manners" As he finished his words he charged for an attack.

"sigh" I don't have time for this" I then dissapeared from there.

"huh! come back you little shit"

bye bye creep.

As I moved away from the area part of me feel weird. I feel like something is missing, as I try to recall I am only met with a blank canvas.

"you seem to be quite a trouble maker little one, now then listen to me and come back home. Akaza is worried for you, wouldn't you like to help him?"




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