all good things must come to an end: chapter 6

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no one prov:

it's been 4 months since y/n was born, douma had finally gain some of his feelings by all things must come to an end.
On one night when douma was eating dinner kotoha walked in.Kotoha has always been observent of things around her but this time it the worst thing she could have done...

douma prov:
after my job was finished i decided to get something to eat.
i picked a woman who was in the "paradise faith" for over four years i decided to pick her as my meal..
after i was finished i heard the floor creak to my surpise and hope that this would never happen it was...Kotoha

kotoha prov:

i always wonder what douma did at night so i decided to look around by i saw something i would never though i'd see.douma was eating his followers, when he saw me i felt sadness, anger and fear.
when he came up to me, I yelled at him
"kotoha i can explai--NO STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU SICK FU*K"
i then grab inosuke and y/n and tried to find my way to the human village
"m-mom where are we going"?inosuke said
"im so sorry mommy's very stupid, i should have known better im sorry".i cried out
when i was running i forgot where the human village was but then found myself by a cliff.I then decided to drop inosuke into the water because he was old enough to swim and for y/n i held her tight because she is only four months old."im so sorry my child"i cried then i saw nothing...

Douma prov:
when kotoha yelled i me and ran away i chased after her so that see couldn't get my secret out i then found her by a cliff,she drop her first child inosuke off the held my y/n tight to her chest saying im sorry. i then proceed to slice her in the head causing her to die."such a shame your mother was a foolish woman inosuke" i said.I them picked up my y/n and brought her home. when we got home lord muzan was there "so i see that mortal women has fallen"muzan said"yes my lord"

"Douma...Your daughter, iwould like to take some off her blood and run some test on it, since y/n is a half demon i want to see if she is the key to perfection."

"yes my lord"

muzan then took out a needle and took some of y/n blood.y/n just looked at me when he did it so brave.
y/n then yawned and then i carried her to my room and cuddled her until she was asleep.

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