Canvas done anew

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This is all the meaning of life, right?

The one life I once enjoyed as a child, only to be destroyed by my own father.

Is it my fault? Was it truly my fault that my mother was killed.

If so... Why do I still live?

What purpose do I serve?

Well I guess it doesn't matter any more does it?

My name is Y/n, daughter of Uppermoon 2 Douma and a subordinate to Muzan Kibutsuji. My purpose it to aid towards eliminating the demon slayer, by any means necessary.

This is my anew canvas made by my beloved master...


Time Skip a few years

Y/N pov:

My life during these pass few years has been on loop in the mansion.

Wake up

Get ready

Do chores


Tend to the garden

Guide the poor souls

Have 'tea' with father

Clean up

'Training' with Muzan

But today was different, a meeting was prepared by the master.

Kokushibo came to inform 'Father' because of his behavior lately and won't be extremely displeased if his missed master orders. Once they left I was greeted by one of Uppermoon 4 emotions Karaku the one I very much dislike.

"Hey-ya Y/n-chan did ya miss me because I have greatly missed you~". I slowly turned my head towards his direction, giving him the side eye. "If you want me to miss you then do me a favor and dissappear, afterall you visit almost every single day and your company is rather tiring". Karaku gave me a hurtful look "OH~ you wound my heart, dear". After hearing that I grew slightly pissed "If I may ask what are you doing here, Kokushibo said that there was a meeting today for the Uppermoons and if I'm not mistaken aren't you a Uppermoon *gasp* unless you were demoted". With a fake surprised look I have given him he spoke slower that he would at my comebacks. "Tsk tsk, no no no dear I haven't been demoted is any thing I should be promoted. Because Akaza isn't what he used to be anymore" the last part was whispered for me not to hear, or simply I was so used to ignoring him. "Anyway Sekido is there so he'll beat it into Aizetsu and Urogi skull including mine, so I can spend all my time with you~".

I give him a distasteful growl "if anything Sekido should beat your skull in permanently so that I or anyone would have to deal with you again". I said while walking away from the problem "Y/n! This wont be the last time you see me dear, but do be aware that I like this side of you it's just how you were back then. So do keep it up" and with that he left.

'Just like how I was back then'? what did that mean? I only met him through the temple and the mansion nothing else, Karaku just came up to me one day and started acting like we knew each other. So why does he act like this? Is it some werid obsession or did it have a deeper meaning to it?

I'm most likely overthinking it, it's Karaku how smart could he truly be with that idiotic brain so i'm not 'to' worried.

"Father your back... How was the meeting"? As he walked over to his bean bag throne "Ah Y/n my sweet precious daughter, come here and give your dad a hug~"! I gave his a 'tsk' and walked over to him kneeling next to him, he slowly pulled me in "The meeting was sooo boring Y/n, it was the same old, same old get rid of the demon slayers. However there was one difference instead of going after the demon slayers they'll be coming to us instead". With the news he's given I grew shocked "you mean that they will becoming to the fortress"? A smirk grew on his face "Indeed, but you don't have to worry you'll be with me or Muzan so that those nasty slayers don't you sweety" he said as he patted my head. I gave him a small hum before I shut my eyes.


"How did she take the information Kokushibo"?

"It appears she was shocked at first at the idea of letting the demon slayers into the fortress, other than that there was simply no other emotions she displayed..."

"Excellent with her I will should those demon slayers the true power of Muzan Kibutsuji, they will begging for mercy as I walk through the sun killing all in sight. HaHAaHHAHA, now then I believe that there's other plans that needs preparing".

Kokushibo slightly bowed and left.

'Is this the true way I want this to end afterall her life was erased from her to create this 'canvas'.

'I only wished the best for her, yet I failed along with Akaza...'

'With the news everyone recieved he took it to heart the most, most likely because Muzan threaten him, but now he acts like he has nothing to live for'

'he lost his wife and now he failed to protect the ones he cared about and now Y/n doesn't even remember him'

'I wish that I didn't hold this much responsibilty, just like back then'

'My dear brother'


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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