Uppermoon 4

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"like I said we are uppermoon 4, I'm Karaku, Mr. Crybaby over there is Aizetsu" "pitiful" Aizetsu said. "Bird boy over there is Urogi and grumpy pants here is Sekido" "SHUT IT annoying BRAT"!

Karaku lean over to me an whisper

"see what i'm talking about, he always has a stick up his ass"


"ouch tough crowd. Anyway aren't you a demon, I mean you look like one and you resemble him".

"That I am but I would appreciate it if you don't compare me with him" I said.

"oh someone has daddy issues"~ Karaku said

I looked at him like what the fuck?

I then look over to the boy and his transformed sister "hey kid can you stand"?

"huh? yes i can why"? The boy with the earrings said.

"good" I then picked them up a threw them and he looked at me with wide eyes. I yelled to him "sorry for throwing you kid, but it would be best if you guys regrouped".

"now I lets get this party started"!

"bring it on pretty girl"

"Blood demon art Lotus vines"! Ice vines appears and starts to rip Karaku to shreads and decapitated him in the process.

as Karaku falls Sekido then summons lightning, as I went to block it Karaku cut off arm swings his fan and with that the wind and the lightning combined together. I jumped back to at least avoid a head on blow, but I still get caught in the cross fire.

"ARGH" I feel the lightning course through my body making myself get paralyzed. The branch I was on break and I fall, after a moment I try to stand but I'm still weak.

"haha~ you should eat more humans so that you can get stronger" Karaku said while walking over to me. Karaku grabs my chin and makes me look at him "Now then let me get a good look at you, hmm, you have his eyes pretty lady. Pretty lady as much as it suits you I would still like to know your name~". I glare at him and said "Like hell I'll never say my name to a LOW LIFE demon!"

Karaku chuckles "Thats a shame, I guess I'll have to force it out of you then~". Just then he snaps my arm, I winced at the pain but I still didn't talk. Karaku then breaks more of my limbs noticing my limbs barely heals. I then sadly give up "FUCK fine my name is y/n". Karaku grins widely "thats a good girl, hmm y/n, it has a nice ring to it heh. Now then why did you or at least try to help those humans? Your a demon and not to mention your the daughter of uppermoon 2". I looked at him with fire in my eyes "you would NEVER understand". "hmm, now that I think about it Douma liked a certain human who i assume is your mother, but them she ran to a cliff and drop something and then Douma sliced her head and then ate her." I looked at him with wide eyes."HAHA, I knew it you ran away because you found out what really happen with your mother, Akaza must of told you didn't he? I won't want to be in his place right now". As much as I hate to admit it I looked dead inside and out and Karaku knows that. Karaku then picks me up bridal style and looks at me "sigh as much as I love to see that look on your face, your needed somewhere else. I hope once master fixes you, you'll still look at me with those eyes".  As my mind starts to go blank I hear my name.

"Y/n ..... Y/N"!

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