big brother inosuke chapter 5

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I called muzan to help with kotoha, that was now in labor."muzan sama kotoha is ready to give birth!!!!"
muzan looked at douma and sighed "douma go get water and some towels, kotoha i want you to push and breathe". i went to get water and towels for kotoha. what is this feeling? why does it feel like my heart is about to burst? ah found the towels now for water. I went to the kitchen to get some water.Now time to head back to kotoha, i speed walked towards the room muzan and kotoha was in"KYAAAAAAAA"i heard kotoha screaming i burst through the door."douma give the the towels and comfort kotoha".i gave muzan the towels and grab kotoha hand"d-douma it hurts","kotoha it's ok im right here".kotoha has tears in her eyes then muzan said "ok kotoha now push""KYAAAAAAAH"kotoha screamed and squeezed my hand of course it didn't hurt since im a demon but then we hear a soft cry."sniff,sniff,WAAAH"."it's a girl" muzan said while handing kotoha the child."she is so precious, isn't she douma"?kotoha said with a soft giggle."she sure is"gasp "what should we name her"?"how about y/n"?"y/n yes that is the perfect name"! i said cheerfully. muzan then spoke "i would like to visit to see how y/n is doing while she is growing up, so she can be healthy"."of course mr. muzan, and thank you"kotoha said with a bright smile."ok then take care". muzan said then left."we should introduce y/n to inosuke"! kotoha said "yes y/n should meet her big brother"! we walked to inosuke room he has a teal room with little paintings of boars."you ready to meet your brother y/n"? Y/n cooed "i think she said yes" i said. "inosuke"."ma"? inosuke said while walking over.(inosuke is 3 years old)."who is this ma"?"this is your little sister y/n"! kotoha said with a smile "little sister"?''yes"."where she come from"?kotoha and i were shocked cause we didn't know what to say."she came from a bird".inosuke just replied with a confused look and just went with it cause he is young.

Y/n looks:
she has rainbow eyes like her dad but shaped like her mom and blonde hair with blue tips.

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