a half demon? chapter 4

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douma prov

i watched kotoha until the "doctor" arrived, after 5 mins "he came"
"ah~ doctor muzan youre finally here~!"i said
"yes i AM here douma...now i heard that this young lady here is pregnant so i will do some check ups on her.but first i would like to speak to douma first." muzan looked towards kotoha"is that ok miss?"muzan said with a "cheerful" smile."yes that is ok mr muzan"kotoha said quitely.
muzan and i walked into another room, muzan smiled change "Douma can you tell me why you got a human pregnant?" muzan said "master muzan i didn't mean to get her pregnant but what happens if the child is a  half demon who can walk in the sun? Also i believe the child can help you get to perfection"i said. muzan gave me a look "fine but if it is not gonna to help with my goal then it will not live another day"muzan said.
"i understand master~" we went back to kotoha "ok miss are you ready to get started?"muzan said "yes please"

muzan prov
"first i will check your breathing. Breathe in........ then out"i said.She did what i said while i check her pulse."your heart beat and breathing is normal, now have you had any sickness?" I said."i've been having morning sickness and a little soreness in my back"kotoha said."that is normal for women to get those things..now douma i would like you to keep an eye on miss kotoha and call me if anything happens. now miss kotoha be sure to eat healthy and relax through the 8 and a half months, now then i will be going" I said then left.

time skip 8 months later (long time skip)

Kotoha prov

"douma! im fine" i said laughing. "but honey the baby is almost here i just cant wait~!"douma said like a proud dad. i got up and check on inosuke "hey inosuke your going to be a big brother are you happy!"inosuke cooed."your my little man" i started to sing pinky promise inosuke always loved that song."kotoha you have a lovely singing voice"douma said."thank you"! then i had stomach pains "ngh!!""kotoha! are you all right?!" douma said in a worried voice."yes-s im fine but i think the baby will be coming soon!"i said tring to hold back tears.
"oh i will go call doctor muzan!" douma said then we waited.

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