Chapter 11

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A/n: 57th Expedition 1 and Female Titan this is a long chapter


No One's POV

The Survey Corps finally got out of the gates and they are all at the old city area, as the horse gallops at the old city Mike turn his head to the left which made Hange turn.

Hange: Ahead, to the left, a 10-meter class !!

Two of the support team suddenly used they're gears and tried to kill it but it was not deep enough, they quickly maneuver their gears to make it not break the formation of the others.

Hange: Y/n help distract them then follow quickly !!

Y/n: Roger !!!

Hange holds the leash of Y/n's horse as they gallop, Y/n quickly jump off as one of the support soldier that use his gear and grab Y/n's hand to swung him up at the air. Y/n quickly blow the Titan's face making it blind, one of the support team quickly use this opportunity and slice it's nape killing it. Sasha was looking at this and it scared her, when a soldier grab her head and made her look at the front. Y/n used his quirk and landed at one of the Cargo's that was on the formation.

Soldier: Leave it to the support team, and keep going !! Onward !! Onward !!

They all keep galloping their horses to get out of the old City area, Eren then ask Oluo if his classmates can beat the titans. Oluo glared at Eren and just told him to follow the plan then suddenly he bit his tongue by accident. Once they finally got out of the old city Erwin finally gave the signal for the formation. Mikasa was at Relay row 3-3, Eren in the Center as standby row 5, Reiner was at row 2-5 of Relay, Jean at Relay row 3-4, Armin Relay row 2-4, so are the others are in specific rows and stationed somewhere. 

Armin: Calm down ... we'll be fine 

Armin suddenly heard something and it made him look, he saw a red flare smoked in the air at his right. This made the others fired their flare guns, Erwin saw this and shoots a green flare at the sky to show them where they are gonna go to avoid the Titan. Sasha at row 2-3 of Relay was galloping her horse near the old small town area, Suddenly a Titan appeared and chased her she starts panicking while trying to load the flare making her drop it. Suddenly she heard someone called her name and made her turn it was two soldiers one of them shot a red flare, he told her to bring the titan to them so they can distract it and she did the leader of the group made it hit a tree knocking it out. 

Sasha: Sir !

Soldier: Go back to formation and keep moving !! 

Armin notice that it was odd that there is no more flare at the sky, suddenly he saw a black smoke was fired in the sky. The Abnormal Titan was ignoring them and it was not good Ness told one of the soldier to kill it, Ness quickly used his gear to sliced it's ankle making it fall as one of the soldier slice it's nape to kill it. 

Armin: You did it, Squad Leader Ness !! 

Armin felt relief when suddenly something caught his eyes, Ness horse suddenly gallop to her master and Ness climb on it and run away. They gallop away when suddenly they heard another footstep getting close making the two soldiers look, They saw another Titan running towards them.

Ness: Again ? Just what is our Right flank recon squad doing ? 

Sys: If it ignored them and came this way, it must be another abnormal 

Ness: Oh, fine ... Sys we do it again 

Sys: Right.

Ness: But we've got the worst luck, doing it twice in a row ... and I think it's a 14-meter class this one will be tough 

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