Chapter 12

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A/n: Eyo !! Let's start this !! Again some of the part of the Chapter is based on the Manga but I will skip some to get the main action going, this is gonna be a bit long of a chapter.


No One's POV

As the last canon shot to trap the Female Titan and making her immobilize. At the edge of the forest where the cadets are, Krista looks down and notice the Titans are trying to climb the tree. She sweated at this and look at one of the Survey Corp soldiers name Nanaba.

 She sweated at this and look at one of the Survey Corp soldiers name Nanaba

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Krista: Um, It's climbing up ...

Nanaba: Yeah, If it gets this far, I'll move out of the way. But I don't think it will be long before they issue withdrawal orders.

Krista: Does that have to do with the explosions we've been hearing at the forest ?

Nanaba: I don't know

At the other side of the forest Sasha is sitting at the branch the giant tree, She look at Mikasa and ask if those are canons firing inside the forest. Mikasa just kept quiet the others also heard the canons firing multiple times, Ymir is complaining about the sound and look at Bertholdt asking if he know where Krista is. Bertholdt just apologize and said he doesn't know, Armin and Jean move to another branch as they saw a Titan was climbing the tree and almost close to the two.

Jean: Armin .. Sounds like something is going on deeper in the forest. I think I have some Idea what. They lured that Female Titan all the way here in order to capture it.

Armin: !!

Jean: More precisely ... to capture whoever inside of it ... that was Commander Erwin's plan

Back to Eren who was standing at the branch with the other, he is questioning why Levi squad doesn't know this plan. Petra is asking if Eren is doubting the Commander and the Captain, the boy just say no but he is more likely questioning why. He understand not telling the new recruits but why not the others like Petra and the others. As Jean and Armin talking and making out of the theory same goes for Eren and Levi's squad, Back to where the Female Titan is Hange pulled the last cannon hitting the back of it'd flesh.

Hange: how do you like it ? Now, even if your still itchy, you won't be able to scratch yourself.

Mike and Levi jumps off and use their blades to cut off the Female Titan's hands, but instead the blade shattered making the two look surprise and back away to the branches again. Erwin looks at Mike who motion his gear showing the broken blade, the Commander motioned one of the soldiers and told them to prepare the explosives. Levi was standing on the Female Titan's head as he say few things to give it an reaction but it didn't move until some words that made it trigger.

Levi: Oh yeah ... There is something I'd like to ask ... If your hands and feet are cut off will you still be alright ? They'll just grow back right. I mean your real hands and feet cause dying on us won't do.

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