Chapter 25

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A/n: Would you look at that the net is back !! Yay !! Alright let's start !! But I am skipping some parts of the manga scenes okay ? Let's go !!


No One's POV

It was night as some of the high rank military police officers are having dinner, they all talk about the success of restraining some volunteers. Nile was one of them eating at the same table with them, but suddenly one of them talks about the old plan. Which made everyone quiet as the same officer starts talking about letting Historia take the Beast titan when he first step of the island, but the man then look at his wine glass looking disappointed that they can't do it for the queen was pregnant.

???: Instead we let her go off, enjoy herself and have a brat. No one even knows who got her pregnant and even if her so called " Wife " hides it from us.

Nile: Hey, cut it out Rogue.

Rogue: .......

Nile: we don't know who it was, but there's a chance that it might be some man she's close too

Rogue: and who would that be ? Her so called brother figure ? He wasn't even here when she got herself a little brat. Who cares about this ? The issue is why the queen is doing something selfish like this ? She's literally the Monarch of this " Nation " right ?

Nile: A puppet monarch forced into position because it was our coup needed !! We've already burden her with this awful fate. None of us has the right to complain about her life.

Rogue: that's not what I'm trying to say, it'd about the timing. Now she is carries a child with a royal blood, our plan has fallen though.

Nile: ......

As the officer kept talking of how the queen's timing of pregnancy was, like someone told her about it and gave her the advice. As they discuss that someone might have told the queen, Rogue pointed that it might be Yelena since she works for Zeke. After Rogue emptied the bottle of wine he calls at one of the server, who happens to be Marleyan to get them more wine.

Server: yes sir

The server left the room and close the door leaning for a second, he saw someone walking towards him holding a wine.

Server: .... Nicolo

Nicolo: this one is your recommendation right ?

Somewhere in a building at a room Armin and the others as the quiet atmosphere ate them all, they still all are thinking of Eren's action. Mikasa was worried of Y/n after being shot and sent somewhere they don't know, not even Hange knows where the explosion boy is. Jean suddenly starts the conversation still not believe the tactics of their commander, Armin explain to them again about the volunteers  being house arrest while they lay low on marley.

Connie: Hey ... All of you .... Did that even look like Eren to you ?

Others: ...........

Connie: it didn't to me ... That wasn't Eren to me if he's capable of picking ... His older half brother than us.

Mikasa: then ... What ?

Connie: we need to prepare ourselves and cut him down

Mikasa: I won't let you do that

Connie: you too ? You're joining at that side too ? Mikasa ?

Mikasa: .... He cares about us ... Eren cares about us.

Jean: .... That could be why he got so combative with everybody aside from us.

Mikasa: I think ... He did that because ... His feelings are strong.

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