Chapter 15

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A/n: Let's continue shall we ? Again most events that change will be either in manga and anime.


Y/n's POV

As I left that place with Mike on my arms as I use my quirk on my feet, I look back and saw the Monkey Titan suddenly throw something. I quickly throw Mike at the sky for a second hearing him scream, I quickly use an explosion on my hands blowing it to pieces. I heard Mike screaming as he fall but I maneuver my quirk and grab him before he falls on the ground, as we both leave the place getting far from the Monkey fur Titan shit.

Y/n: You alright Uncle Sniff ?

Mike: *cough and groan* Yeah, seriously don't throw me again

Y/n: Yeah yeah, let's look for your squad

I concentrate my quirk to make it more speed up heading to the south, while Mike tell me the direction. But we stop for a second as I drop him at the ground and take out a med kit I brought, I start covering his stomach where I saw the bite mark that the Titan did.

Mike: thanks for saving me kid

Y/n: Your welcome, got any info where the others are ?

Mike: were separated to four group earlier

Y/n: who's the closest ?

I finish wrapping the bandages around his stomach and help him to get up, he starts looking around and points at a direction. I start carrying him on my back and used my quirk to go to the direction where he pointed.

~ Time skip brought you by Sasha eating the food Y/n just cook but the others are holding her back ~

No One's POV

As Sasha and one of the soldier of the Survey Corps is galloping their horses, Sasha starts telling where a Village is. The soldier ask if it was the last one but Sasha said no to him, she told there is another village and it was hers.

Sasha: I'll go there alone !!

Soldier: Alright, leave this village to me then !!

The soldier move his horse to gallop in the different direction to warn the village leaving Sasha alone, as she looks back at the road remembering her old village. She suddenly remember her what her father said when she was still at her village.


Artur: Hey, Quit it !! Sasha !! Sasha !! You been nabbing snacks again ?!

( A/n: Yes that is Sasha's father's name )

Sasha's father tried to stop his daughter who was eating chewing on a meat, as he stop her Sasha suddenly drops the meat distracting her. The girl quickly move to grab the meat while her other arm hit her father's face, the father gave up and let go of her and sat on wooden stairs of the house.

Artur: Sasha, have you asked yourself why the world is a-changing ? Why these past years the forest be shrinkin' and game harder to find ? Have you ever thunk it ?

( A/n: if your wondering why my spelling is like this it's because of the dialect they spoke in that village )

Sasha: It's 'cause more people be comin' and taking food and game from the forest .... That's why I am hungry.

Artur: That's true ... But hey, They lost their homes and got no place to go. They got no other choice.

Sasha: Their fault for losing it. They oughta leave ours

Artur: Titans took it from 'em, they knock a hole straight through Wall Maria. Where else can they go ?

Sasha looks down a bit as her father keeps explaining to her about why clearing the forest so people can plant grains, Artur cross his arms and look at the tree stop that has a bow and arrow. He starts talking about giving up hunting as the government will pay them, Sasha rejects it as it's part of who they are they can't just let it go. As the Father and Daughter kept talking to each other her father ask something that made her eyes wide.

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