Chapter 13

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A/n: back to the chapter it will be based to anime and manga in some parts and it's gonna be a long one.

Final Chapter of season 1

ACTION - action
Thoughts - thought


Annie's POV

I was kicking some sand bags as my father keep shouting.

Annie's Father: Your doing good Annie !!

Annie: *keeps kicking the sandbag*

Annie's Father: keep kicking !! No breaks !!

Suddenly everything turn black I open my eyes again and the place is different, I sit up and realize I was back at the walls and I was in my room.

Annie: .... I'm tired of this ... when will that Idiot save me ?

No One's POV

At the Military Police Stohess HQ Annie is going down the stairs, One of the M.P soldiers saw her and jokes a bit. While keep walking down the stairs and went towards that person, who was standing next to the others soldiers in line.

???: You finally woke up. You look so scary when you sleep, I couldn't wake you. Sorry Annie

???2: Lately, you've been to lax.

???: What ? Are you mad ?

???2: Well, aren't you a friendly one ?

???3: Leave her alone. Annie's from Trost District and she's the only one in this HQ who's been in a fight. She just came back from hell, It'll take her a while to recover.

As they keep bickering while in line Annie ignored all of it, one of them told them to shut it as one of the Senior Officers arrive. They all saluted as the Senior Officer walks towards them but told them to not bother saluting, they all stop saluting except one who looks surprise.

M.P: Today, we have a different task for you than the normal busywork. That's why I had you all come here.

As the Senior keep explaining what will the cadets would do, Annie looks at him after hearing about the Survey Corps. The Senior continue explaining to them and finish it, one of the Cadets question what are the Survey Corps motive. As the boy kept talking the Senior Officer just look at him and see the boy as a serious one and gave him the papers, The Senior Officer left and open the room on the others as they all see what's inside the room.

Annie: Y/n is right these people are disappointing


Y/n stops walking as he suddenly sneezed loudly, the people around him looks at the boy weirdly for a second and go back to what they all are doing.

Y/n: *scratch his nose* damn who's talking bullshit about me ... ?

Y/n just shrug and starts walking again as the boy is wearing a civilian clothes, Y/n was heading somewhere as Commander Erwin's gave him a specific mission.

~ Time skip brought you by Y/n carrying Krista like from the Lion King while Ymir and Reiner and others cheer ~

No One's POV

As the gate opens in the Stohess district, all the Military Police that stationed there saluted. As the Commander of the Military Police is riding a carriage and more carriages follows, the Military Police starts following it to escort it. Annie was running to followed them when she heard someone called her name, she stopped for a second letting the others run pass her. She suddenly runs to the alley way and saw Armin standing in the corner wearing a rain coat.

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