Mommy is always with you (Boboiboy and his mom story)

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Note: This was a request from @Alisha_Nayak and I won't give bbb's mom a name guys, srry, I want to stick to the facts that Monsta gave us. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. Also quick note Boboiboy is a baby here UwU and he is around 1-2 years old


Here we see a woman with her son inside a house in Kota Hilitr. The baby was just playing with his toys on the floor with his mother watching him while sitting on the sofa scrolling on her tablet. Then the baby started crawling towards his mother saying:

Baby Boi: *very innocently* Mo-mommy, whe-when is da-daddy coming hwome?
BBB's mom: *smiles* (picks bbb up) I don't know Boboiboy, but he will come back soon I promise.
Baby Boi: *smiles* Okay, can we pway spwace ship? Pweaassssee *puppy eyes activated*
BBB's mom: Sure, let's play space ship.

Then they spent the whole day playing space ship until Baby Boi fell asleep. (Note: Imagine the space ship game is like a baby being in a box and the parents carrying the box with the baby in it)

*2 weeks later*

BBB's mom was cleaning the house when she realized, while cleaning she didn't see Boboiboy at all. At that she starts to get worried. She runs around the house searching for him until she finds him outside playing with his soccer ball. She sighs in relief and goes to him.

BBB's mom: *gentle mother voice* Boboiboy, why did you come outside by yourself? (Note: I'm pretty sure we know why)
Baby Boi: Da-dad said to be ber-berdikari, whi-which m-means d-doin things on our own *innocently smiles* (You so dead Amato XD)

BBB's mom felt like calling him and scolding him to tell him that, but shrugs it off as Boboiboy is her main priority. Plus, she doesn't know if he is on a mission. She only sighs and brings Boboiboy back in the house. When she entered, she was very surprised to see the Armored hero and Mechabot already here. Knowing she needs to talk to Amato about the berdikari thing she called Mechabot to bring Boboiboy back upstairs and play with him for a while. (Good luck Tomato XD)

BBB's mom: *sweetly with menacing aura* Mechabot, could you bring Boboiboy back up stairs and play with him for a while?
Mechabot: *annoyed* Oh come on, I don't wanna play with him
BBB's mom: I'll give you curry puffs if you play with him.
Mechabot: *happy at the mention of curry puffs* What!?!? Just play with Boboiboy for curry puffs, I'm in. *to baby Boi* Come one Boboiboy, *carries him as he is too small to go up the stairs* lets go play upstairs
Baby Boi: Yayyy, uncwle Mecha!!

After Mechabot takes Boboiboy upstairs, BBB's mom glared at Amato. And Amato seeing this knew he did something wrong and gulped. And the day ended with Amato being scolded by his wife and Mechabot playing with baby Boi all afternoon.

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