Mission: Family Bonding

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Story idea by P4naginip - Past Me

Yes... I finally decided to finish this - Current me


Fang and Kaizo were seen in Kaizo's spaceship, both of them just chilling and minding their own business. 

The Kokotiam gang, Kaizo's team, the sheild twins, aKa Sai and Sheilda, and Ramenman, were all given a week break from all missions.

The Kokotiam gang, minus Fang, decided to go back to Earth, along with Lakamana Amato, who turned out to be Boboiboy's dad.

Kaizo called Fang before the Kokotiam gang went back to Earth and invited him to spend the week with him.

Fang was hesitant, but after some convincing from Boboiboy and Ochobot, with some help from Laksamana Amato, he finally gave in and agreed to go with Kaizo.

At the same time, ever since he was around 5, he and his brother never got to really spend time with each other. So, this is the perfect opportunity to make up for the time the two porcupine brothers lost.

Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

Well, anything could happen.


Fang and Kaizo were just chilling on the couch, both scrolling through spacebook. Being lazy boys for the day.

Lahap was nowhere to be seen in the living room, nor the kitchen.

An awkward yet peaceful silence fills the room entirely.

Fang did try to start up a conversation from time to time. But all he got in response was mostly a hum or a very quick and short answer. Making the situation between the two more awkward than it should have been.

Fang sighed. All he wanted to do was spend time with his brother, but it was hard. Ever since Maskmana rescued the brothers from Bora Ra, Kaizo has never been the same. The once loving and cheerful brother was all gone.

It was replaced with a cold, emotionless and harsh person who barely pays attention to him anymore.

Their relationship strained badly.

It's true that they do spend time together, especially during training. But during those times, they see each other as senior-junior agents, not as siblings nor family.

Fang knows deep down; his brother's attitude is because he cares for him and just wants to keep him safe. But he couldn't help but feel... lonely.

Of course, he still has his friends. But all of them have family they could see and spend time with.

It would feel nice to feel some brotherly love from the family once in a while.

This could be the only chance they have to mend the loose ties of their relationship.

And so far, it looks like all of his attempts to do so were in vain.

Suddenly, his stomach grumbled loudly, making him blush beetroot red from embarrassment. And it seems like Kaizo hear it as he chuckled and said, "You hungry?" Fang just nodded, seemingly not able to spit out any words from his mouth.

Kaizo went over to the kitchen, leaving Fang there and confused. Fang soon snapped back into reality. He got back on to his feet and scrambled to follow his brother to the kitchen.

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