Fire and water (Elements)

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Note: So this was a request from @DARCRISM121 and this is apparently from what he/she requested, a super angry Blaze angst?? Or technically it's suppose to be an angst where the other elements find out about the nightmares Blaze has. I'm the worst at angst so enjoy this badly made angst by me.

Decided to add this for 0 reasons.

It was nighttime in the powerwatch and all the elements were sleeping peacefully in their beds.......except for a certain element. The element with the stress trait keeps tossing and turning in his sleep, sweat running down, and heavy breathing. It looks like he's having a nightmare......again. After a minute or so, Blaze woke up panting then his eyes darted around the room. "It's just a dream, *sighs* it's just a dream", said Blaze still panting. He got out of bed as quietly as he can so that he won't disturbed his siblings who are sleeping soundly. He made his way to the window without waking his siblings up.......or so he thought. It turns out one of the elements was awake this entire time, he got out of bed and followed the fire element out of the window onto the roof.

When Blaze got on the roof, he cried his heart out. Despite him having red eyes the next day, he just says he is fine and continues to be his normal self. But in reality, he isn't fine, the nightmares are getting worst with each passing night. And every night he comes on the roof so that non of his siblings will know about his nightmares. Unknown to him, the calmness element has joined him on the roof.


Blaze turned to the source of the voice, and is in complete shock. Ais/Ice, is here, awake, in the middle of the night. Ais/Ice has always been the sleepy one out of all of them, he could sleep anywhere at any time. So seeing him awake shocks him. "Ice, why are you here?", asked Blaze. Ice just replied with, "That should be my question, why are YOU here? And why are your eyes red?". Blaze replied nervously, "Uhhhh, needed some fresh air. I couldn't sleep.", but of course Ais/Ice wasn't convinced by this. "I know you didn't come out for just fresh air. Why are you awake?", said Ice while sitting down next to the fire element.

Ais/Ice isn't gonna leave until he gets an answer from Blaze. Despite being opposites, they really care about each other. Even though all the elements are siblings, Blaze is proven to be closer to Ais/Ice, making them like twins. So of course Ais/Ice would worry about his brother waking up in the middle of the night because of his nightmares. "Blaze...", called Ais/Ice. The fire element didn't respond or look at him. "Blaze" called once again Ais/Ice, "look at me". The fire element this time gave in and looked at Ais/Ice showing his red eyes from crying.

"Blaze, what was your nightmare about, and don't lie to me, it's better to tell someone than to keep it to yourself", said Ais/Ice while smiling warmly at his twin. His baby blue eyes stare into his fiery orange eyes. Seeing his brother just made him cry even more, he once again broke down into tears with his twin hugging him and comforting him. "Blaze.....please don't shut me out. I'm worried about you", said Ais/Ice. "I'm-im sorry, I-i just didn't wanna wo-worry you guys", replied Blaze while crying. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Blaze calmed down. "Blaze, what was your nightmare about", asked Ais/Ice. Blaze stayed quiet for a minute before speaking up. "It's about....."

To be continued.....

Me: LOL, left you guys on cliffhanger.
???: How is that funny??
???: You'll know later.
Halilintar/Thunderstorm: Who are you guys?? *prepares his blades to kill them*
Me: Oh, they are my new OOC's, everyone meet Yue and Mila.
Yue & Mila: Hi!!
Halilintar/Thunderstorm: Don't tell me they are gonna be in the stories. *annoyed*
Me: Nah, they will only be in the truth and dares book. But they will be in small conversations at the end of the chapter.
Halilintar/Thunderstorm: Great, just great.

Me: Enough hali, anyways, thank you guys so much for supporting this book. Be sure to comment on this story cause your comment make me smile everyday. A third OOC will be revealed in part 2 of this.

Request are accepted anytime. Horror, fluff, angst, you name it and I'll do my best to make the story.

Anyways, that's all for this chapter guys, I'll see you on the next chapter, love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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