Understanding (New Version)

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"Hmm, I'm sorry Boboiboy, Tok Aba"

Mechabot then flew into the room holding a plate of curry puffs.

While eating, he asked.

"Wei, if you miss them, why don't you go back to Earth?"

"I can't, and you know that. Our job is the only thing preventing that. As much as I want to..we can't..", he said. It wasn't the total truth, yet it wasn't a lie either.

Mechabot just nodded and flew out of the room to go and look for Lily.

Amato turned his attention back on the screen and said softly.

"Wait for me...Boboiboy.."


The sun is starting to rise, bathing the residents of Puala Rintis in its sunlight.

However, it's glorious light cannot be felt by all...

Amato, Lily and Mechabot, their home is on Earth... but yet they are all in space.

All of them are awake bright and early and continued to do their everyday activities.

Mechabot of course... eating Curry Puffs.

Amato, fixing broken Powerspheras in his office.

And Lily... well, we don't exactly know what she is doing.

On some days she can be cooking lunch or breakfast. On others she could be helping Amato. Or she could also be reading a book.

Who knows what she is doing.

But this day in particular is going to be a tad bit different.


Amato is currently repairing another Powersphera called, Phobiabot. Phobiabot invades your mind, knowing what your phobia is, and creating imaginary firgures of them in real life. For example, if you have Globophobia, Phobiabot will create real ballons that constantly pops and reforms. If you have Arachnophobia, a giant spider will spawn in front of you and chase you.

Despite there being many other people who could have been the one to repair it, Amato insisted that he would be the one to do so. Mostly because of the fact that the Powersphera was rescued by none other than his son and his group of friends. But it also pains him as both his son and friends nearly got fully tortured and almost went insane. Thankfully, Boboiboy saved them all by splitting into Ais and Gempa, fusing into Glacier, and eventually calming the Powersphera down.

It was quiet the entire time as he continued to repair Phobiabot with Mechabot's occasional comments (read: whining) that he wants Curry Puffs, to which Amato ignored as his entire focus was on the Powersphera. Until he finally gave in and made Curry Puffs as quick as lightning, and gave them to curry puffs.

Maskmana and Lily suddenly entered the room, and it seems like they're done with their meeting Lily forced Maskmana into after an attack on the station hours ago. Lily was smiling very brightly and Maskamana... we can't really tell his expression as it is covered by a mask... but underneath, his lips is forming a slight smile.

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