We Don't Talk About Retak'ka (Side Story)

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It was an ordinary day inside Boboiboy's power watch. And a bright sunny day with no clouds in the sky.

The trio troublemakers are playing on the fields playing tag. "Tag! Your it Abang Blaze!" Shouted Duri, the plant element, while giggling as he tagged Blaze. "Ahh, No Fair!" Pouted Blaze, the fire element. "It doesn't have to be fair Laze~." Teased Taufan, the wind element.

Halilintar, the lightning element, and Solar, the light element, was reading a book under a tree near them. Solar was reading a book about Powerspheras that he got from the library and Halilintar was reading a novel while occasionally glancing over Solar shoulders.

(I see you Halisol shippers! No, in this story they are just brothers, but I might consider doing a ship of them in the future..hehe. But if I'm being honest, I kinda do ship them too..)

Ais, the 2nd tier of the water element, was sleeping while cuddling his whale plushie under the shade of the tree Halilintar and Solar were under. Halilintar sweatdrops at his younger brother's antics before turning his attention back to his book.

Gempa, the Earth element, was inside the house, probably baking or doing chores. Who knows what that earth element is up to..

It had just been a few months since Boboiboy finally re-unlocked all of the elements 2nd tier forms. Boboiboy has been training them almost every single day incase another villain comes, so he decided to take a break and give his elements one.

"Guys! Snack time!" Called out Gempa from the house. (Why does he remind me of my grandma OwO)

"Coming!" "Alright!" "Fine" "...." (Guess who said what in the comments 😉)

All the elements stopped what they were doing and started to head towards the house. But of course, it's never peaceful inside the watch.

Halilintar and Solar was bickering as usual as they walked back. And you guessed it...they were bickering about popularity, Halilintar being a tsundere, Solar bragging about him being the most handsome element, and other things that I shall not mention. And that was only 1/5 things they were arguing about.

Duri and Taufan was racing to get back. Duri was using his vines to swing across the trees as he raced his older brother. While Taufan was using his hoverboard and going slowly so that he can give Duri a chance knowing he would win the race.

And Blaze...well, let's just say he had to drag his polar bear twin back into the house. Somehow, Ais still was asleep as his twin pulled him inside. Blaze kept complaining that Ais was extremely heavy even though he was just sleeping. And Ais just ignores him and continues to sleep.

Time Skip to them eating snacks~

As they were eating they're snacks, which were some chocolate chip cookies, a sudden thought came to Taufan's mind.

"Hey Gempa"

The called element, who was about to take another bite of his cookie, replied, "Yeah, Taufan?"

Taufan twirled the cookie in his hand nervously and asked, "What if Ori asks about him? Or any of his friends for that matter? What will we say?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and thought about it.

It's true to what Taufan said. Boboiboy might be curious about their origins later on and might call them out and ask them.

An awkward silence filled the room and no one dared to break it.

Solar, who was getting tired and restless of the silence, sighed and said, "We could just simply tell them we can't talk about him. I mean, I'm sure Ori would understand right?"

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