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I see those tears in your eyes

"Please! Don't..." Fang yelled.

I feel... so helpless inside

"I'm sorry..." Bbb whispered.

Oh love, there's no need to hide...


Just let me love you when your heart is tired


"Hey! You ok?" Fang asked Bbb. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good..." He replied. Fang took his hand in his and looked at him firmly. "Are you really sure about that?" Fang asked as he stared at those puffy brown eyes.

Cold hands... red eyes...

"Hey, where are you going?" Fang asked. He walked into Bbb's room to ask him something, only to find him packing some clothes. "On a mission, I'm leaving in a couple of hours..." BBb responded. Fang sighed and said, "Just be careful okay?" Bbb nodded and continued packing for his mission.

Packed your bags at midnight

"Hey... you ok over there?" Fang asked over the call. "Yeah, the mission is just taking a bit more longer than I thought. I'll probably be back in a week or so." Bbb replied. "Alright, be careful..." Fang said.

We've been there, for weeks

"It's not your fault!" Fang yelled. "But it is! If I wasn't stupid then maybe-!" Bbb broke down in tears with Fang comforting him. And they both grieve the death of their foodie friend... Gopal Kumar.

You don't know what goodbye means

"What the-! What are you doing?!" Fang said as he knocked out the thing in Bbb's hand. "What was that for?!" Bbb yelled.

Just roll up, the cigarette

"You know... you can't dwell on his death..." Fang whispered as they stare into the horizon. "I want to... but it's hard..." Bbb whispered back.

Just forget about this mess

"You ready?" Fang asked. "Yep! Let's go!" Bbb yelled cheerfully.

I'm waiting on the side-lines

From the side-lines

"Cm'here" Fang said as he opened his arms for a hug. BBb went in for the hug and cried his heart out. Fang's heart broke seeing how vulnerable he is. "it's alright... I'm always here..." Fang whispered as he stroked his hair.

I see those tears in your eyes

And I feel, so helpless inside

Oh love, there's no need to hide

Just let me love you in your hardest times

"I'm feeling dizzy..." Bbb said as he swayed around. Fang caught him and laid him in bed. "Are you ok?" Fang asked. "If I'm honest.... no... I feel so lost..." Bbb whispered. "I'm always here ok?" "Ok.."

If your ghost, pulls you apart

And it feels like you've lost who you are

My love, there's no need to hide

Just let me love you when your heart is tired


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