The Umbral Shadow

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Things returned to normal after the recent events. Boboiboy and the Kokotaim gang went on a mission to Planet Apsephion to rescue *HypnoBot. That was over a month ago. And currently, they are all having a well deserved break on Earth.

At this time, most would be asleep under the moonlight blanket. But a certain hero is not part of the 'most'. He's currently awake, stargazing. Ochobot is charging in his room, and Tok Aba is asleep in his room. While this stubborn boy is in his room, admiring the stars through his window. His telescope laying innocently beside him.

He sighed contently as the cooling breeze flutters in the room, the stars and moonlight providing him comfort. Even though he has school the next day, he couldn't sleep. Something was keeping him awake.

Nightmares had been a regular occurrence for him. But ever since coming back to Earth, his safe zone, they disappeared. But not even a week later, he found himself staring at the stars and moon for hours.

His friends expressed their concerns, but he just shrugged it off. For the first week, he was okay. The last 2 weeks however, it has been evident that he was not okay. Lack of sleep started to take a toll on his body. He started to lose concentration in class, and often zoned out.

Bbb's natural instincts jolted him awake from making him fall asleep. He looked around, but nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Next Day~

"Hey guys!" Bbb smiled as he entered the classroom. "Hi Bbb!" Ying, Fang, Gopal, and Yaya responded. "Wahh! I didn't study for the test Bbb! Help meeeee" Gopal whined. "Haiya! This is why you shouldn't spend all day playing that Kakimon game!" Ying scolded. The two then continued to have an argument, and then Yaya joining in too. Fang just sighed, while Bbb giggled and did his signature pose, "Awesome!"

After Class~

"Bye guys! See you later!" Bbb yelled out. "Bye!" The others replied, and everyone went their separate way home.

Bbb hummed as he walked back home, peaceful as always. But as he was passing through the mysterious, and creepy way, something drew him to the 'haunted' house. At first, he shrugged it off, but as he walked closer to the house, the tugging feeling became stronger. He decided to go in. 

He felt like someone was watching him. He turned around, only to see the same result. Nothing. He looked around, up, left, right, behind, in front. Almost everywhere. He didn't check one spot though. Below him...

As he carefully stepped into the mansion, he suspiciously asked, "Hello? Is anyone here?" Only to receive no response. Few minutes passed, and he heard nothing, he explored majority of the mansion. Only to find nothing. He was ready to go home, thinking that this was a waste of time.

"Follow me", a voice whispered. Bbb quickly reacted, trying to find the source, but finding no results. "Who are you!?" Bbb shouted, readying himself to attack or defend. Again, nothing. "Follow me, look at me", the same voice whispered. Startling Bbb, and sending shivers down his spine.

"Follow me... find me... look at me... look into yourself... learn me...", again, the voice whispered, dry and raspy. "Uhh... guys, if this is a prank, hahaha, well done! You win!" Bbb's voice shrinking with every word he spoke. With no response, he started to think that this is actually real.

"Follow me... find me... look at me... look into yourself... learn me... understand me", again, the voice whispered, and this time, Bbb followed the voice. 

"Follow me..."

Bbb took one step.

 "Find me..."

The door creaked open into a room.

"Look at me..."

An eerie sound envelopes the room.

"Look into yourself..."

His eyes staring into the broken mirror.

"Understand me"

But his eyes didn't see himself. He saw something else. Someone

His equivalent and opposite to light. His hidden element...



A/N: I know this is short, but I'm not 100% myself yet. Plus, I still have exams. I deeply apologize if this doesn't meet your expectation.

I know majority of the stories you read has had the dark element named BBB Gelap/Dark. But for me, it feels too basic, and this is my book, so my choices.

*Umbra is the dark part of the shadow, matching it up to the theme.

Should I continue adding more to this one-shot?

Tell me your opinion!

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll see you next time! Byeee!

Love you guys 💜💜💜

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