Full Speed Ahead

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Song: Full Speed Ahead by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Armando Julián, Steven Dookie, EPIC Ensemble from the album; EPIC: The Troy Saga

I'm obsessed with Greek Mythology I know XD


Halilintar sighs as he looks upon the sea.

Six hundred men, six hundred men under my command

He faces the rest of the crew

With only goal in mind

And everyone responded with

Make it back alive to our homeland

He looks back to the sea

Six hundred men, six hundred miles of open sea

He parkoured to the top of the ship by the flags

But the problem is not the distance (It's what lies in between)

And Ithica's waiting (Ithica's waiting)

My kingdom is waiting

He pulls out a photo from his pocket

My family's waiting.. for me

He puts it back and yells,

So full speed ahead

He gently glides back down

Full speed ahead

Suddenly, someone came up to him


Halilintar responded


The person, now identified as Solar, looked at his captain in the eye and said

Six hundred men (six hundred men), six hundred men with big mouths to feed

He gestured to the empty barrels

And we've run out of supplies to eat

Another member, Blaze yelled

Curse the war, our food store's depleted

Ignoring him, Solar asked

So captain what's the plan? (Captain what's the plan?)

Halilintar smirked before pointing to some birds

Watch where the birds fly (Watch where the birds fly)

They will lead us to land (They will lead us to land)

He turned to Solar

There we'll hunt for food my second in command

Now full speed ahead!

He parkoured around the ship as all of the crew members began to sing

We're up, we're off and away we go, we're up, we're off and away we go!

We're up, we're off and away we go, we're up, we're off and away we go!

Gempa yelled

Full speed ahead

Solar lead the crew members in singing

We're up, we're off and away we go, we're up, we're off and away we go!

Suddenly, a crew member appeared beside Halilintar


Halilintar smiled seeing who it is


Beliung cheerfully grinned as he pointed to a silhouette infront of them

Look! There in the distance! 

I see an island, I see a light that faintly glows

Maybe there's people, lighting a fire

Rimba joined the two and sang

Maybe they'll share some food who knows

Halilintar, however, was skeptical about it and pointed out

Something feels off here, I see fire but there's no smoke

Solar appeared and calmly said

I say we strike first

Rimba and Beliung looked very angry about this

We don't have time to waste

So let's raid the place and-

Halilintar cut him off before he continued

No, brothers let's gear up

We will go ahead

His brothers repeated his words

We will go ahead

Halilintar sighed as he puts on his armor

We should try to find a way that no one ends up dead

Fang, a soldier, cuts him off

We don't know what's ahead!

Halilintar gave him a stern look and said

Give us till sunrise, and if we don't return

Then six hundred men can make this whole place burn

Ais turns to the open sea and yelled

Now full speed ahead!

Full speed ahead (Full speed ahead)

The entire crew started to repeat the lyrics sung by Ais

We're up, we're off and away we go (We're up, we're off and away we go)

Solar yelled

Full speed ahead!

The rest of the crew continued

We're up, we're off and away we go (We're up, we're off and away we go)

We're up, we're off and away we go (We're up, we're off and-)

Everyone yelled

Full speed ahead!


Short but it's my last fanfic for the night, hope you liked it :PP

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