A sick day (part 2)

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Note: I know the last chapter was short so I'll try to make this one long. And thx to my friend Kyo_Rengoku for trying to support me by voting on every single chapter I posted. Pls go and follow her guys, she is actually my batchmate so I knew she had Wattpad and then......I'm not gonna let you guys listen to my long talk so into the story you guys go.


They all turned to the source of the voice which is near Boboiboy's bed. And what do you know, he's awake!

Everyone except Boboiboy: Boboiboy!
Yaya: Why didn't you tell us you were feeling cold?
Boboiboy: *smiles* I didn't want to worry you guys
Fang: But you could've transformed into Ais/Ice so you won't get cold
Boboiboy: But you heard Commander's orders, we need to reserve energy Incase we get attacked.
Ochobot: We'll tell Laksamana/Admiral Tarung and the Commander about your condition, for now, you should rest.
Boboiboy: But guys-
Fang: *cuts him off* No buts! You need to rest, and that's it, or should we have Yaya trap you in her Apungan Graviti?

Boboiboy just stays quiet as he doesn't want to be their prisoner for the third time. (Note: For you guys to understand go check out boboiboy_elemental story Boboiboy (New Adventure))

Currently, the Elemental hero is sleeping on his bed with 4 of his elements surrounding him. The other 3, Gempa/Earthquake, Taufan/Cyclone and Ais/Ice, are in the kitchen to make some soup for them, especially Boboiboy as he is sick. The remaining elements are just chilling in his room checking his temperature from time to time. Solar is reading a book about Powerspheras, Halilintar/Thunderstorm is reading a novel, Blaze and Duri/Thorn are just playing board games on the floor as they are bored. A few minutes later, Gempa/Quake, Taufan/Cyclone and Ais/Ice came in with some bowls of Laksa and gave one bowl to each person/element.

Gempa/Quake: *whispers to the others* How is he??
Solar: *smiles and whispers back* He's okay, *frowns a bit* though his fever is pretty high.

Ais/Ice who heard this, went to his owners bed and put his hand on his forehead. In a few seconds, the frown on Boboiboy's face turned into a small smile showing he is feeling comfortable. They all ate their lunch, but not peacefully of course, the trio sometimes steals the others slice of bread which in the end, got scolded by Gempa/Quake as quietly as he can to not disturb his owner who is sleeping soundlessly on his bed.

Few hours later, Boboiboy woke up from his nap and ate the Laksa that the elements prepared, though not that warm as he woke up later. After eating his late lunch, he was forced by his elements to sleep for him to get better sooner. Or else, they would call Yaya to trap him in her Apungan Graviti for him to rest. It took a while for them to convince him as he is very stubborn. The only thing that convinced him to fall asleep was Duri/Thorn's puppy dog eyes. (I will die of his cuteness 😣😣😣)

The same thing happened for the next few days, and after three days, Boboiboy was feeling better, and he is not stubborn this time. His temperature is already normal and he doesn't feel lightheaded anymore. After that, he was allowed to go on missions again, but before they were given any missions, Boboiboy decided to talk to his elements first.

Boboiboy: Thank you guys for taking care of me while I was sick.
Gempa/Quake: *smiles* Your our owner, we would do anything for you, right?
Taufan/Cyclone: Yeah
Blaze: I agree
Duri/Thorn: *innocently smiles* Yeah, anything for you

Even though the other elements didn't say a word, Boboiboy knows that they agree with Gempa/Quake as well.

Boboiboy: Alright, Boboiboy Cantum Semula!!

The elements merge back with Boboiboy leaving him alone in his room.

The End

Authors note: Okay, I know I said I would update a lot this health break but my writers block had to kick in. But I promise to try to update as much as possible, before my health break ends of course. And also, from January 5-April 30, the book will be on hiatus cause those are the last few months of school. Everybody knows school comes first so yeah. I might forget about this book if I focus to much on school. But I won't forget you guys at all. And sorry for the very short ending cause I really don't know what to write.

Requests are accepted anytime though I might reply to your comments and requests late because the only time I can do Wattpad is when I finish all of my assignments.

Anyways, that's all for now, see you on the next chapter/story, love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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