Brothers Forever

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Blaze's dream~

He was walking alone in a never ending dark hallway. "Hello" called out Blaze. But no one answered. He hugged himself as he felt the creepiness of the dark and the cold. He kept walking till he saw light. He sighed in relief and ran towards it. The light got brighter as he ran towards it. Too bright that he covered his eyes to protect them front ye blinding light. He opened his eyes and saw all of his brothers and his owner looking at him with angry, disgust, and hatred. "Gu-guys?" Said Blaze nervously. "Tsk, you little pest, you shouldn't be here. Heck, you shouldn't even exist." Said Halilintar coldly while glaring at the fire element. "Wha-what do you mean!?!?" Said Blaze scared and heartbroken hearing his brother say that. "Isn't it obvious campfire, you just cause trouble wherever you go!" Shouted Solar with disgust and anger in his voice. "And I can't believe I thought of you as my brother." This was from Ais, hatred visible on his face. That sentence made Blaze's heart break into a million pieces. Those two may be complete opposites. Fire and water (or ice in second tier) do not mix together. But they defied that as they had gotten extremely close despite the pranks Blaze and the rest of the Trio Troublemakers pull on him and the others. Hearing his twin say that, the person he was closest to, made his heart shatter. "Thorn thought Blaze was nice, Blazey is a meanie." Said the innocent bean, cinnamon (Read: Sinnamon) roll, Thorn while Taufan hugged Thorn comfortingly, glaring at Blaze at the same time. "To think I even trusted you, your nothing but a burden to us and Ori" hissed Taufan. All traces of happiness, gone, from the wind element's face. Blaze was now trying hard to fight back tears as he listened to every word they say. Gempa and Boboiboy walked in front of all the other elements and they both had a face of anger, disappointment and disgust. "Why do you even exist in the first place, you don't belong here! I can't believe I even took care of you!" Shouted Gempa with a very dark aura. "I should've had Ochobot remove you from the watch when you first appeared, you cause nothing but destruction for all of us. Go back to your old master, I can manage with a pathetic element with me." Said Boboiboy as he pushes Blaze back into the tunnel, along with the other elements. Blaze tried to fight back but for some reason his powers aren't working. He screams for them to stop, but they didn't stop.

End of Blaze's dream~

"Why didn't you tell us about this Blaze?"

"I didn't want to worry any-"

Blaze abruptly stopped his sentence as he realized that Ais wasn't the one who said it. He looked behind him and say the rest of his brothers standing behind them, all in their pajamas, looking at him sad. Duri and Taufan were crying, Halilintar and Gempa looked at him with a sad look, and Solar looked as if he was trying to fight back the tears that were hidden behind his orange visors. Gempa walked to Blaze but Halilintar got to Blaze first and-

"Oww, What was that for Halilintar?!?"

Halilintar looked at him and didn't say a thing but hugged him instead, a warm and genuine hug filled with love. Blaze was shocked for a split second before returning the hug while crying. Eventually, the others also broke down into tears as they joined the hug. This made Blaze breakdown even more. Their hug lasted for a few minutes before they all broke it. All of them had slightly red eyes, though Solar's were less visible as he was wearing his visors. "Blaze..." started Gempa. "You know we would never think of you like that" continued Taufan. Solar stepped forward as he hit Blaze on the head lightly while frowning deeply at his brother. "You idiot, do you know how many times I've risked Ori's life, how many times I've destroyed TAPOPS station." Said Solar looking straight into Blaze's eyes. "But Boboiboy never let me go, he never abandoned me. He won't do the same to you." Said Solar. Gempa, Halilintar, and Taufan stepped forward as Halilintar spoke first "Do you really think we would abandon you, or would Ori?" Asked Halilintar, all traces of anger and coldness that was usually found on the lightning elements face, gone. "Blaze, you should know, we've been with Boboiboy since the beginning. We know Ori more than you guys do." Said Taufan, the happiness element close to tears. Gempa walked in front of both Halilintar and Taufan and bent down to Blaze. "Blaze...Ori would never abandon you. He loves you, like we love you. Sure you created chaos when you were first summoned. But it doesn't mean that we hate you, nor does Ori hate you. He forgave you when he realized it was you causing the fires, right? Why would he forgive you if he didn't want you? He loves you Blaze, we all love you Blaze. Never think for a second we hate you. You are family Blaze, family sticks together." Said Gempa with his motherly tone.

Blaze then realized, they don't hate him, and they never did. Once again, he broke down into tears as his brothers hugged him once more in a big hug. Tears flowed down the fire element's faces as he snuggled into the warm embrace of his brothers. Blaze kept muttering 'thank you' to his brothers, leading them to rubbing his back comfortingly. If you were to visit them at this moment, all you would hear is crying. He has his brothers, and the best owner/brother in the world. He doesn't think life can get much better than this. Sure, there will be a time we're a villain will try to get all of the elements and separate them from Boboiboy. But now, he just wants to enjoy this moment while it lasts. Even as they are separated, they will be family, they are Brothers Forever.

~The End~

Authors note: If you didn't know already, this is a continuation of the story Fire And Water. Hahaha, finally, only one more request to go.

Mila: *comes out of no where* Don't you mean two more?

Me: What do you *suddenly realizes and facepalms myself*

Mila: I'm out

Me: So you heard Mila, I only have 1 more request left. So please comment down below if you have any requests. I DONT CARE WHAT IT IS GUYS, ROMANCE (but no smut) FLUFF OR ANGST, I DO NOT CARE. I'm literally gonna get soooo bored guys. And if my grammar or story is bad. Don't hesitate to comment below your opinion...

But anyways, that's all for this story. And I will see you on the next story. I love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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