Forever with you (Original)

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Here we see Boboiboy, his dad, Amato, and his powersphera partner, Mechabot, on Kota Hilir train station. Boboiboy is going to live with Tok Aba permanently and Amato is going into space with Mechabot. (Note: this scene is in between season 1 and 2 of the original series)

Boboiboy(10/11 years old): Dad, why can't I come with you?
Amato: Son, it's too dangerous, what if you get hurt? It's better to stay here in Earth, it's safer for you.
Boboiboy: But I have superpower too, I can protect myself from those evil aliens, pls dad *puppy eyes activated*
Amato: I know you have superpowers, but your still too young
Boboiboy: *sad tone* Alright
Amato: *sighs* (digs out something from his pocket) Son, keep this (puts something in Boboiboy's hand), whenever you miss me, just open the locket and know I'll always be with you.
Boboiboy: Okay dad

Present time:

Currently, our elemental superhero is in his room holding something, the locket given by his dad, he looks at it sadly as he misses him so much. It's been 6 months since he defeated Retak'ka and 4-5 years since Amato left him on Earth (in reality it's 9-10 years or did I miss count??).

Boboiboy: I miss you dad, I really wanna see you again

Then Ochobot came into the room.

Ochobot: *looking at Boboiboy and noticing his behavior* (btw he knows about Boboiboy's father) You okay Boboiboy?
Boboiboy: Yeah I'm alright Ochobot, I just......miss him so much
Ochobot: Come on, Laksamana Tarung wants us to report the mission now.
Boboiboy: Okay Ochobot (stands up while putting the locket back in his pocket)

After reporting their mission, the Kokotiam gang were given a 2 week vacation back to Earth. They're all happy to go back to Earth.

*Time skip to when they arrive on Earth*

They all have a happy reunion with their parents, except for Fang cause his brother still has undercover missions to do, so he just watched as they happily reunite with their families. He really wish he could also be in their place.

Boboiboy: (while hugging Tok Aba) I miss you Tok.
Tok Aba: I miss you too Boboiboy. (Let's go of the hug) And there's someone else who I know you wanted to see for a long time.
Boboiboy felt his spirit lift up, but an uneasy feeling is still inside him, that is until a someone spoke up.

???: Boboiboy

Boboiboy turned around and his eyes filled with tears, not of sadness but out of happiness. Boboiboy didn't waste a second and ran towards the person.

Boboiboy: Dad!!

Boboiboy tackled his dad into a hug which the Armoured hero accepted and embraces his son after so many years. Boboiboy cries in the hug after seeing his father while Amato just rubs his back soothingly. After a while, they let go of the hug.

Boboiboy: I missed you so much dad.
Amato: I miss you too
???: Oi, what am I, a rock??

They both turned to the voice and saw someone, or rather something.

Boboiboy: Mechabot! How could I forget such a handsome robot like you?
Mechabot: You really have grown huh kid, last time I saw you, you were a very tiny hooman
Boboiboy: Time does fly fast

Amato looks down guilty knowing how much his son has been through (note: he doesn't know about his fight with Adudu, or Ejojo) yet he let him be independent his whole life. And how he left Boboiboy all alone on Earth while he was in space. Boboiboy noticed the changes and hugs him again.

Boboiboy: Dad it's ok, I have my friends with me, and I understand if you couldn't bring me with you before. Yes I do miss you sometimes, but everytime I miss you, I would look at the picture (note: the picture inside the locket amato gave him is the one chapter picture) and I would tell myself that you would still come back. You being here now just proves you still love me.

Amato is shocked by his words but returns the hug. While the other 4 are standing there in shock (btw they know about amato but not abt him being Boboiboy's dad).

Fang, Gopal, Yaya, Ying: HE'S YOUR FATHER!?!?!?
Boboiboy: Errr, yes?

Then his friends launched a ton of questions in his face with him struggling to get out of it. Their parents just watch on the sidelines.

Ochobot: Shouldn't you help him uncle?
Amato: Nah, biarlah dia berdikari, he'll be fine.

The End

Authors note: IM SO SO SORRY IF THIS ISN'T AS GOOD AS I THOUGHT, I was rushing this a little as I was writing this in class (were still online class so some of my teachers don't know about it)

Pls bare with me as this is my first story
By the way, this book will accept requests and don't be shy to comment, I don't care if the comments are bad, this is a full on request book but maybe I might add some stories that came into my mind. And by the way, the photo in the locket is this the one above, I can't upload it for some reason.

I won't update all the time but I'll try to update once a week, cause I have class, RIP me and those who have class wether online or face to face.

Some parts are inspired by a few authors like
And a few other authors who I don't remember their names so sorry

Anyways that's it, hope you enjoyed this very short chapter

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