Babysitting (Boboiboy and Elememts)

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"Uh, can someone explain how this happened?", asked our favorite dino-cap boy who was holding a baby with a white cap similar to his with the light element logo-

Hang on! It's Solar!

And it looks like he is holding Duri and Sori in his other arm...

But why are they literally 2 year old kids...

"Err, you see", said Gempa while holding with what looks like to be the baby versions of Taufan, Gentar and Halilintar.


It was an ordinary day inside the power watch...

Everyone was minding their own business and everything was peaceful..

Too peaceful... something feels very off about today... but what?

Anyways, back to what happened before all this chaos happened.

They were just about to eat lunch and everyone was present...except for one very prideful element and one of the fusions with the latter core element as one of the elements needed for this fusion..

"Hey Duri, could you get Solar? And Sori, could you get Supra?", asked Gempa politely while setting up the table with Taufan, Glacier, and Ais.

"Okie!", replied the two called element, or fusion in Sori's case, cheerfully.

Duri and Sori ran up the stairs as Gempa called out for him to be careful while running up the stairs. To which the two replied Gempa, or rather shouted back, that they will be careful.

They passed by their brothers rooms in which the doors are designed based on their personality.

Like Duri's own door is decorated with leaves and flowers, each flower representing his brothers and the fusions. And it's not much of a 'regular room' since his room IS the greenhouse of the Powerwatch dimension.

Sori's door is quite similar to Duri, seeing that Duri is one of the elements needed to create Sori, although it's quite different and special in it's own way.

The two separated their ways as they went to go find their brothers.

With Duri~

Duri then reached Solar's door, which didn't really look like a door at first sight...

Instead, it looked like a bookcase with many books... it doesn't even look like a door to the room. Anyone who sees this would probably laugh, thinking that Duri is losing his mind, to which Duri would probably ignore. But then again, no one should underestimate the smartest element around.

Duri pulled one book from the top and waited patiently for Solar to open it for him as he knows he can't get past his defense system. And if he even tried to attempt, he probably might take hours. Even with his brothers help!

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