Part 4

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About an hour after Amelia left, there was a knock at the door, and Teddy came in.

"Hey," the cardio surgeon said, smiling at her, "How is she?"

"She has started moving a little," Carina said, "But she's still not awake. How are you?"

"Better than I have been the last three days," Teddy said, shaking her head, "The viruses the kids bring home are the actual worst."

Carina shook her head, having heard these complaints from lots of her friends, and yet part of her couldn't wait for that because she was so ready to be a mom. She was about to say something else, but then she heard a noise coming from her wife.

"Maya," Carina said, standing up so she could see her face better, "Bambina, hey. You are ok. Open those eyes for me."

The blonde groaned, eyes opening a little.

"Hi," Carina said, tears filling her eyes as she saw her wife's eyes open, "Hi Bambina. I am so happy to see you."

Maya looked confused as she looked at Carina, pain shooting across her face, "What...?"

"You were in an accident," Carina said, "You have a lot of injuries so try to be still."

"Who...?" Maya asked, throat sore, "Who are you?"

"What do you mean?" Carina asked, fear and panic filling her body, Teddy immediately going to tell the nurses to page Amelia before coming back to be there for Carina.

"Who are you?" Maya asked, "Where is my dad? He is going to be so mad. I am supposed to be training. I need to go train."

Maya tried to sit up before gasping as pain shot through every part of her body, forcing her back down.

"Hi Maya," Teddy said, stepping in to intervene for what was becoming a very bad situation very quickly, "I'm Dr. Altman. That is Dr. Deluca. You had a bad accident, and you need to be still."

"It hurts so much," Maya said, tears flowing down her cheeks, "I need to talk to my dad. He is going to be mad. Where is he?"

"Dr. Deluca is going to go find him," Teddy said, seeing how terrified and panicked Carina was starting to get, "Right, Dr. Deluca? Carina?"

"What?" Carina said, coming out of the panic spiral that was starting, "Oh. Um, your dad. Right. I will just..."

Amelia came in just then.

"Alright," the neurosurgeon said, "Bishop, let's see how that head is...What happened?"

Amelia looked around the room, seeing Carina holding back tears and Teddy trying to keep Maya from moving around.

"I...I can't," Carina said, walking over to the door, clearly torn about leaving, the Italian just sliding down the wall in the corner nearest the door, head in her lap.

"She is asking for her dad," Teddy said, pulling Amelia aside, "And she had no idea who Carina is."

"Ok," Amelia said, going over to give Maya a check as Teddy went over to Carina, wrapping her arms around her friend.

"It's ok," Teddy said as Carina just sobbed silently, "It could be so many things. She's going to remember who you are. You are Maya and Carina."

Carina just shook in Teddy's arms, tears running down her cheeks. They sat there, Teddy watching Amelia do the neuro checks on Maya. After a few minutes, Amelia walked back over to them.

"I gave her some more pain meds, and she's asleep again," Amelia said, sitting down on the other side of Carina, wrapping her arm around her friend, "Carina, are you alright?"

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