Part 15

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Unfortunately for Maya, the next time she woke up, things were not better. If anything, she felt worse. Her stomach was unbelievably crampy, and she knew she needed to use the bathroom very soon.

"Carina," she groaned, having no idea what else to do.

"What's wrong Bambina?" Carina asked, going closer to her wife.

"I need to use the bathroom," Maya said, "Really really bad and right now."

"Let me go get a nurse," Carina said, moving quickly.

Maya laid in bed, her stomach making all kinds of unhappy noises. A nurse came in a minute later carrying a device Maya knew was a bedpan.

"Carina, please, can you wait in the hall?" Maya asked as the nurse helped her get the device into position, "Please?"

Carina didn't want to leave her wife but hearing the pain in Maya's voice as she begged, Carina decided to do as she was asked. She stood in the hall for quite a few minutes, trying to get her mind to calm down.

When the nurse came out a few minutes later, Carina knew from the look on her face that something wasn't right.

"Room 231 needs to be put under contact isolation," the nurse said, "And the next time she has to use the bathroom, we need a specimen tube. I think it's c. diff."

Carina internally groaned, knowing the last thing Maya needed was another infection, especially one that was going to make her feel so yucky and dehydrate her.

"Dr. Deluca," the nurse said, walking over to her, "Your wife told me I could tell you what's going on. So, she is showing some signs of c. diff. which as you know puts her into isolation. You are still welcome to be in there, just take the necessary precautions. Wash your hands often. You know the drill. Next time she has a bowel movement, I am going to collect a sample for culture and then I will talk to Dr. Grey about getting her on some treatment."

"Grazie," Carina nodded, "Can I go back in there now?"

"Of course," the nurse nodded, "Oh, and we can bring a cot back in there for you to sleep if you want. I think it might be a bit of a rough night for her."

"No," Carina said, shaking her head, "It's ok. I'll be fine."

"Ok," the nurse nodded, "I am going to hang an extra bag of fluids for her, just to stay on top of this because with the compromised kidney, she is at higher risk for complications, but we caught this early so hopefully we can stay ahead of it. She's not doing well with oral fluids, correct?"

"She threw them up during physical therapy today," Carina sighed, "But I think that was her body trying to tell her to slow down."

"Ok," the nurse nodded, "Well, we can keep trying, but if she keeps vomiting, we are going to stop them because she cannot afford it."

Carina nodded, the nurse tapping on her tablet as she walked back to the nurses' station while Carina went into Maya's room.

"Hey Bambina," Carina said sadly, walking over to her wife, "I hear you are not feeling very well again."

"This sucks," Maya said, her bottom lip quivering, "I just want to get better, and I keep having more complications."

"I know," Carina said, sitting down next to her, pressing a kiss to Maya's forehead which was, unfortunately, warm again, "I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"Fix my intestines so I don't have to deal with diarrhea for the next two to ten days?" Maya asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I wish I could Bambina," Carina frowned, "How about I go ask the nurse about getting stuff for a bed bath? That might make you feel better."

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