Part 28

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Maya managed to finish her first two Duolingo lessons minus the listening sections because she didn't want to wake Carina. She made a mental note to ask someone to give her her headphones because she was pretty sure this would go a lot better if she could hear the words.

However, before she could open the third lesson, she felt Carina moving next to her, putting her phone down as Carina woke up, deciding not to tell her wife she was trying for probably the tenth time to learn Italian.

"Did you have a good nap?" Maya asked, leaning over carefully and kissing Carina's forehead.

"Si," Carina yawned, "Did Andy and Jack leave?"

"A while ago, yes," Maya nodded, "You slept almost an hour and a half. How are you feeling?"

"Ok," Carina said, stretching a little bit, "I just wish I wasn't so tired."

"Rest is good for you," Maya said, "That's what you always tell me. Plus, it'll help you finish fighting off the infection. You are looking much better today."

"Are you saying I looked bad before?" Carina asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," Maya said, trying to backtrack, "No. You always look amazing, but you look like you are feeling better and you look less pale and more like yourself and..."

"I am joking Bambina," Carina said, stopping her rambling, "I know I was looking rough the past few days because I felt awful. My tummy is still not quite settled all the way, but it is not nearly as bad as it had been so I am not surprised I am starting to look a little less bad. You are also looking like you are feeling better."

"I am," Maya nodded, sitting the bed up a bit, "I was actually thinking of maybe pulling out the puzzle Diane brought for me yesterday?"

"She brought you a puzzle?" Carina asked, confused.

"Oh yeah, I guess I didn't tell you about that suggestion," Maya said, "She said puzzles might help keep my mind focused on something other than my anxiety and she left me one. It's somewhere with our stuff."

"I'll go find it," Carina said, getting up, noticing another bag sitting on the couch before she found the puzzle.

"Who brought these back?" Carina asked, realizing it was her sweatshirt and other clothes Travis had taken yesterday.

"Jack," Maya said, "He said Vic washed all of it at the station and told him to bring it back today."

"That was really nice of both of them," Carina smiled, deciding not to put her sweatshirt back on yet, not quite so desperate for its comfort as she had been recently, "Oh, here's the puzzle."

"Thanks," Maya said as Carina set it on the table, moving it so Maya sound reach it.

Carina grabbed her phone as she sat down on the bed, quickly texting Vic and telling her thank you for washing her clothes and making sure she got it back. She then looked over to see Maya carefully sorting the puzzle pieces, the process slow because she only had use of one hand.

"Can I do it with you?" Carina asked, unsure if this was something Diane had told Maya to do alone.

"Of course," Maya nodded, "I'm putting all the middle pieces in this box and leaving all the edge pieces on the table."

"Ok," Carina nodded as she started working with her wife.

They had maybe sorted half the pieces when there was a knock on the door, Ty and Joanna coming in again.

"Hey," Maya smiled, "Is it already time for more therapy?"

"Only if you are up to it," Ty said, "How are you feeling after this morning's session?"

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