Part 40

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Carina looked up at the door as Meredith, Maggie, Amelia, and Link walked in.

"What is going on?" Maya asked, looking around the room before looking at her wife, "Carina, what's going on?"

"Just listen to them, ok?" Carina said, grabbing Maya's hand.

"Is this why I needed all those tests today?" Maya asked, "Is something wrong with me?"

"Shhhh," Carina said, squeezing Maya's hand as she caught Meredith's eye, nodding at her. "Alright," the general surgeon said, "Dr. Lincoln, why don't you start?"

"Alright," he said, nodding, "So I reviewed the x-ray of your arm and it is healing well. It's healing a bit slower than I initially anticipated, probably because of all the infections you had, but it is healing. I am going to say you need another 6 weeks in the brace and then we will do some follow up x-rays to make sure it is all healed. Your ribs are also healing nicely as well. I want you to continue to rest them for the next 6 weeks as well, but as long as they aren't hurting, you can do as much as you can. That's all I have."

"Ok," Meredith nodded, "Dr. Shepard, you next?"

"Your head CT is perfectly clear and typical," Amelia said, "I did drill into your skull so you need to be careful with it for a little while, but I have done plenty of neuro exams on you and you are back to normal...or back to your pre-accident self at least. If you have any pain or headaches that don't go away or are really bad, let me know. That's all I have."

"Dr. Pierce," Meredith said, looking at her sister.

"Your lung is healing beautifully," Maggie said, "As it has been since after surgery. I have no worries there. Your aorta is still looking good. No ballooning, no evidence of strain. I want to keep you on your blood pressure meds and do another scan in about three months just to check, but I am very pleased with it now. That's it for me."

"I guess it's my turn now," Meredith said, looking at Maya and Carina, "Your kidney is continuing to improve. I am going to want to draw labs weekly for the next month, but as long as things keep going like they have, you are golden there. Your abdominal area is still healing and I want you on rest for that for the next 6 weeks. No lifting heavy objects stuff like that. You have been responding very well to your new meds for your gastroparesis, and while I'm not comfortable taking out the NJ tube just yet, I think that will happen soon if things keep going how they are going. And your wife is a doctor so I am fine sending you home with it because she will know how to help you with it..."

"Wait, what did you say?" Maya said, having been listening intently, hearing a word she hadn't heard from any of her doctors, "Did you say home?"

"I did," Meredith nodded, smiling as she watched Maya's face, "We are all here to clear you because, Captain Bishop-Deluca, are officially released to go home."

"What?" Maya said, tears immediately streaming down her face, "I...I can go home?"

"You can," Meredith nodded, "Congratulations Maya. You are finally discharged."

"Did you know about this?" Maya asked, noticing Carina didn't seems nearly as surprised as she did.

"I may have mentioned something to her while you were in CT earlier," Meredith said, "Just so she could make all the necessary arrangements."

"I didn't want to tell you just in case something came up," Carina said, "I didn't want you to be upset if it didn't happen today."

"But it is happening?" Maya said, "I am really allowed to go home?"

"Maybe I do need to do another neuro check," Amelia teased, "You seem to be struggling with your comprehension." Maya shook her head, wiping at her tears that wouldn't quit.

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