Part 29

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Maya woke up about thirty minutes later feeling not great. Her stomach was achy, and she was feeling nauseous. She groaned, trying not to move too much because she was worried she was going to throw up. She moved her good hand to try to wake up her wife and managed to wake her up but not early enough.

"What's wrong Bambina?" Carina asked, waking up just as Maya threw up all the fluids she had managed to drink all over herself, "Oh, ok. You are ok."

Carina quickly grabbed the call button, hitting it as she grabbed the basin with her other hand, putting it under Maya's chin as she threw up again.

"Carina," the blonde groaned, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I know," Carina soothed as she kept Maya's hair back, "I'm sorry you are feeling sick again."

Just then, the nurse came in, seeing what had happened.

"Oh no," the nurse said, immediately coming over to the bedside, "Not feeling well again?"

"No," Maya said, leaning back against Carina miserably.

"Ok," the nurse said, "Well, let me go grab a fresh gown for you and some fresh sheets and some anti-emetics, ok? Are you ok for a minute?"

"Yeah," Maya said as the nurse left the room.

"I'm sorry you not feeling well, Bambina," Carina said, kissing Maya's nape, "Did you just wake up feeling sick?"

"Yeah," Maya said, "Like I think I was only awake for maybe a minute before I got sick. I really thought I was going to be ok this time."

"I know," Carina said, trying not to let Maya know she was getting worried about her wife's inability to hold anything in her stomach, "Maybe it was just too early for you to try fluids again."

"I stink," Maya said, looking down at her dirty gown.

"How about I ask the nurse for the stuff for another bed bath?" Carina asked, "It might help you feel better."

"Yeah," Maya said, "But only if you are feeling up to it. I don't want you to wear yourself out."

"I am feeling ok," Carina said, "Actually, I am starting to feel hungry again if that tells you how I am feeling."

"You haven't been hungry in a long time," Maya said as Carina maneuvered them so she could get out from behind her wife, "Do you want me to ask the nurse to get you something to eat?"

"Maybe," Carina said, grabbing her phone, seeing a text form Vic asking if she was up for some homemade soup, "Actually, it seems like Victoria can read my mind. She offered to bring soup by later."

"Good," Maya said as Carina quickly texted their friend back before the nurse walked back in with fresh bedding, a gown, and some meds for Maya's IV.

"Alright," the nurse said, "Let's get you some meds and we are going to hold the oral fluids for the rest of the day. Also, OT is outside and was planning on trying to get you in some clothes this afternoon. Would you like me to tell them to come back later when you are feeling better?"

"I am feeling ok now," Maya said, "I mean, other than the fact that I stink."

"Actually," Carina said, thinking, "OT might be able to help you get a shower if you are feeling up to it."

"A shower?" Maya said, "Can I even do that?"

"Dr. Grey and Dr. Hunt have cleared you for PT and OT," the nurse said, "Including showering if you are up to it."

"Then hell yes," Maya said, "I want a shower. But I don't think I can stand for one."

"They will have a chair in the shower for you," Carina assured, "And will teach you how to properly bathe. And if it is ok with you, I will help and learn so they don't have to come every time you want to get cleaned."

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