Part 13

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Maya woke up about two hours after she fell asleep when she heard the door open. Her entire body ached and just turning her head to see who had come in was a challenge, but she knew she wasn't going to hurt anything by moving her head so she pushed herself, smiling when she saw Travis and Vic walk in.

"Maya," Vic said, tears filling up her eyes, "You're actually awake."

"Yeah," the blonde rasped out, "I am."

"How are you doing?" Travis asked as they both came closer, Carina stirring a little in the bed next to her wife.

"I mean, I feel like garbage," Maya said, "Every single part of my body hurts, but I am happy to be awake."

Carina groaned a little, Maya reaching over carefully and grabbing her hand, rubbing circles on it to calm her back down.

"She's been having a rough go of it," Travis sighed, looking at the sleeping OB, "Although she's back with you which is an improvement from what Ben and Andy told us about the last few days."

"Yeah," Maya sighed, "I feel so bad that I have been making her feel like this."

"Do not go blaming yourself," Travis said, shaking his head, "You did nothing wrong. And neither did she. It's just how it is."

Vic nodded in agreement.

"You guys can sit," Maya said, "How are you both doing? I think I remember hearing about it at some point, but everything since the last incident we went on before the accident is a little fuzzy."

"Hey, at least you remember the incident," Vic said, smiling at her, "My concussion pretty much knocked out 8 or so hours before the accident. But I'm getting better. You know how concussions are. It comes and goes, but I've been pretty good the past day or so."

"And I just had my first official follow-up with Dr. Lincoln for my crushed shoulder," Travis said, "He said the stitches have to stay in for another couple of days, but everything looks good. I'll start physical therapy for my lower arm in about a week, but I can't do anything with the shoulder until the bone heals a little more."

Maya nodded ever so slightly, memories of hearing what had happened to everyone coming back to her some.

"How are things at the station?" Maya asked, "I'm assuming you all are still keeping up with things there?"

"Things are good," Travis nodded, "The new engine is coming in tomorrow I think so we are probably going to go down there and be there for that. Jack is keeping everyone together. Or at least that's what they all say."

Maya laughed a little only to realize that was incredibly painful.

"Ok, no laughing, got it," Maya said, trying to breathe through the pain that was rippling through her abdomen, "God, who knew having major abdominal trauma and a full-blown septic infection could be so painful."

"Do you want me to go get a nurse to get you some pain meds?" Vic asked, having literally watched Maya turn about three shades paler when she laughed.

"No," Maya said, "No, I think it's going away. Or at least getting less bad."

"Bambina?" Carina said, stirring next to her wife, "Stai bene?"

"Si," Maya said, "I'm ok. Vic and Travis are here."

"Oh," she said, rubbing her eyes as she sat up, "Ciao."

"Hey Carina," Travis said, smiling at her, "How are you feeling?"

"Eh," Carina said, shrugging as she stretched a little, "Better than the past few days."

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