Part 36

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They both had a more restless night that night, Maya struggling with achiness as soon as her meds started to wear off, and while it wasn't painful, it would wake her up. The first time she woke up, it was about three hours after she had fallen asleep. Her abs were aching and she couldn't figure out why they were bothering her so much until she realized she had the hiccups. With every one, her rib would ache and her abs burn. She was trying to figure out how to not bother Carina while also getting herself more comfortable and maybe getting rid of the hiccups.

However, as she shifted a bit, she heard a groan from behind her.

"What's wrong Bambina?" Carina asked sleepily.

"I have...hic...hiccups," Maya said, groaning as everything ached, "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's ok," Carina said, waking up a little more, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," Maya said, "It's just that every time I...hic...hiccup, it makes my abs and ribs hurt...hic...ow."

"Oh Bambina," Carina frowned as Maya shifted a little, clearly trying to get away from her pain.

"And I don't know how to make...hic...them stop because I normally just drink water, but I don't have the desire to throw up again tonight," Maya said, hiccupping again when she finished.

"Try holding your breath," Carina said, running her fingers through Maya's hair, "That is what my mamma always had us do."

Maya nodded, taking as deep a breath in as she could before holding it. However, as she was holding her breath, she hiccupped again, letting her breath out.

"Maybe try one more time," Carina said, not totally sure what else to do to help.

Maya nodded, trusting that her wife knew what to do. However, when a hiccup interrupted her breath holding again, she could feel herself getting frustrated.

"That isn't working," she said, trying not to get frustrated, "What else can I do?"

"I'm not sure," Carina said, rubbing her hand up and down Maya's arm, "Let me get my phone and see what it says online, ok?"

Maya nodded as Carina got out from behind her. With every hiccup, Maya gelt herself getting more and more frustrated as Carina started her google search.

"Well, most of these involve eating or drinking something," the Italian said, scrolling through the suggestions, "Oh, this one...wait, never mind."

"What?" Maya said, trying to get comfortable.

"These two are to compress your chest or hug your knees," Carina said, looking at Maya.

"Yeah, that's not even physically possible at the moment," Maya said, shaking her head.

"Oh, this one says to try to exhale while pinching your nose and keeping your mouth shut," Carina said, "So try to breath out when you can't?"

Maya tried this three times, having no luck with getting the hiccups to stop.

"It's not working," Maya moaned as she hiccupped again, her body really not enjoying this typically harmless thing that at the moment was aggravating her injuries.

"Ok," Carina said, scrolling through the page, "Oh, this one we will have to do at home."

"What, does it say orgasms stop hiccups?" Maya asked sarcastically, looking at her wife.

"Si," Carina said, nodding, "It actually does. It says a man had hiccups for four days, had an orgasm, and they stopped."

"Well, I can't have an orgasm right now," Maya snapped before realizing her tone, "Sorry. This is just really uncomfortable."

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