Part 18

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When they both woke up the next time, it was to a knock on the door.

"Come in," Maya mumbled sleepily as Carina sat up.

"Oh, were you sleeping?" Ty, the physical therapist said, coming in, "I am so sorry. I can come back later."

"No," Maya said, "It's ok."

Just then, Maya's stomach gurgled and groaned, the blonde hitting the call button as the massive cramping took over.

"Come on Ty," Carina said, forcing her body up and out of bed.

"Is she going to be up for therapy this afternoon?" Ty asked as he and Carina stood in the hall.

"I don't know," Carina sighed, yawning, "She liked to push herself, but today has been a rough day, and I think she is really not feeling well."

"I'll go slow," Ty promised, "And if she starts to feel bad, we can always adjust and do something different. Right now, my main goal is just to get her moving, even if it's just me moving her legs or her head. I don't want her body to get stiff."

"Lo so," Carina nodded, "When the nurse says we can go back in, let me go first and give me about five minutes to talk to her."

"Sounds good," Ty nodded, "And if she's not up for anything, Dr. Grey said that is ok. She did well this morning."

"Ok," Carina nodded. Just then, the nurse came out, nodding to Carina.

"Five minutes," Carina said, looking at Ty before walking back into the room.

"Hey Bambina," Carina said, smiling at her wife, "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Maya admitted, "And just overall not great. Was Ty in here when I woke up?"

"Si," Carina nodded, "He will be back in a minute, but Bambina, are you feeling up to therapy?"

"I need to do it Carina," Maya said, yawning a little, "The only way I get to go home is if I am able to move around more and the only way to do that is with therapy."

"Si, but Bambina, you have to listen to your body too," Carina said, "If you are too tired, it won't help anything and will just make you feel worse."

"I'll be ok," Maya said, "Let's just do this."

Just then, Ty walked back in.

"Ok," he said, looking between the two women, "How are we feeling?"

"Let's do it," Maya said, looking at him, avoiding answering his question because if she told him she felt terrible, he probably wouldn't let her do the therapy she wanted to try to do, "What are we doing this afternoon?"

"Well, I was going to try to get you sitting up again," Ty said, "But if you are too tired, I can just do more of what we did earlier."

"I think I can sit up," Maya said, both trying to convince everyone else and herself because she was feeling very weak.

"Ok," Ty said, "Carina, can you help me with getting her up?"

"Si," Carina nodded, joining Ty where he was standing.

"Ok," the PT said, "We are just going to do the same as yesterday and then we are going to just have you sit there for a few minutes, ok?"

"Sounds good," Maya nodded, taking a small breath.

Carina took Maya's legs while Ty got her shoulders and waist after making sure all of her lines were in a good place for them to move her.

"Alright," Ty said, "Three, two, one, and up."

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