Part 20

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Luckily for both of them, that night went better than the one before. Not that it was saying much considering how horrible the previous night had been, but any improvement was a positive.

Carina threw up twice more before her body just crashed, so beyond exhausted from barely sleeping the night before, then dealing with extreme anxiety and an upset stomach all day, and then having intense therapy and all the aftereffects of that.

Maya had had to kick Carina out of the room three times before she fell asleep, her stomach still miserably sick, but once Carina had fallen asleep, miraculously, Maya's stomach decided to calm down, at least a little, giving her a bit of relief from the cramps she had been having all day.

Maya's mind, however, wasn't quite so kind, deciding to keep her up until close to midnight, just thinking and stressing and mildly panicking about what these injuries were going to mean for her career and how hard it had all been for Carina and what recovery was going to be like and when they were ever going to be able to have babies.

At one point, she found herself teetering on the verge of a panic attack thinking about the fact that she couldn't remember if she had signed the budget reports for the previous month. Of course, she knew she had because otherwise she would have gotten them back, but that did not stop her brain from full on panicking for close to an hour about it.

She hated when this happened. It was a decently regular occurrence for her, anxiety and depression both diagnoses she had had to learn to deal with not long after she and Carina had started dating. It had been so hard, but she went to her therapy and even was on meds for a few months when things got really bad. She still struggled at least a few times a week with insomnia which was challenging.

Since she had been in the hospital, her body had been dictating how she was feeling, but now that things were slightly less painful, her mind seemed to have realized it was missing out on torturing her.

Around 11, a nurse came in, giving her her pain meds and dose of antibiotics for her c. diff. Luckily, the pain meds made her feel sleepy and allowed her brain to turn off.

She managed to sleep for two hours before she woke up with a cramping belly. She was about to wake Carina up when she looked at her wife, seeing that she finally looked peaceful for the first time since before the accident, and she just couldn't bring herself to wake her up. She called the nurse, and somehow, Carina managed to stay sound asleep through the whole thing, which honestly didn't really surprise Maya too much because of how tired she had been.

Once Maya was done, she was still pretty awake as rounds of cramps ran through her. She was so over feeling this sick. She was ready for her body to start actually healing.

She laid in bed, trying not to cry, feeling a little sorry for herself. Just then, however, Carina made a small noise, moving a little closer to her in her sleep. As Maya looked at the woman lying next to her, she shook her head as she thought about everything her beautiful wife had gone through and was still going through. Carina was the strongest person she knew and even when she was barely holding it together, she was still able to be there for everyone without complaint.

Maya pushed the woe is me thoughts out of her head, focusing instead on her wife, on how much she loved her and cared for her and appreciated her. It helped, and after another hour, and a few more unwanted, anxious thoughts, she was able to drift back to sleep again.

Maya woke up three more times before morning because of her stomach, opting to just let Carina sleep through all of it because she needed it.

By 6, Maya was awake for the day, still absolutely exhausted from not getting any consistent sleep the night before, but her body was not going to let her sleep for the time being.

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