Part 6

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The night was rougher than the last one for sure. Maya woke up about three hours after Carina laid down, not in nearly as much pain as earlier, but still not feeling well. Carina wasn't really asleep and sat up as soon as she felt her wife move.

"What's wrong Bambina?" Carina asked as Maya groaned a little.

"Nothing," Maya said as Maggie got up to see if anything needed to be done, "Just sore and tired but also not. What time is it?"

"It's almost 1 am," Maggie said, looking at her watch.

"Carina, you should be sleeping," Maya said, looking at her wife.

"It's ok," Carina shrugged, "What do you need?"

"Can you just...sit next to me or something?" Maya asked, "I need you to be close. Sorry."

"No," Carina said, shaking her head, "No apologizing. You went through a major trauma. You get whatever you want."

"I wish I didn't feel so shitty," Maya said, cracking a small smile, "Then I could take advantage of that."

Carina just chuckled, shaking her head as she leaned down and kissed Maya a little.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Maggie asked, deciding to use this time to take some of Maya's vitals and check her drains.

"No," Maya said, "Thanks. Wait, why are you here? Is there a problem that I need to be monitored for?"

"No," Maggie said, shaking her head, "You are doing really well. We are all just taking turns making extra sure you are ok overnight."

Maggie wasn't sure how much Carina wanted to tell Maya about the real reason people were spending the night in her room, leaving it more open so Carina could choose how to navigate this.

"They are more here for me than you," Carina said, taking Maggie's cue that the ball was in her court.

"Are you ok?" Maya asked, looking at her wife, suddenly very worried.

"Si," Carina said, putting a hand on the side of Maya's face to calm her down, "Maggie is just here so I can get comfortable enough to sleep."

Maya's brain was not functioning at all how she needed it to, and what Carina was saying was not computing well in her concussed, drug filled, exhausted brain. Instead of trying to sort it out through the cloud of drug fog in her brain, Maya just accepted what Carina said for now.

"Has my team seen me yet?" Maya asked.

"Andy has," Carina nodded, "And Travis, but no one else. They probably all would have been up here as soon as you were out of surgery, but I wasn't up to it. Sorry."

"Babe, I was unconscious," Maya said, looking at her wife, "It was all about whatever you needed. They don't need to see me unconscious anyway."

Carina smiled at Maya, feeling a little bit of the anxiousness leave her for now. Getting to have sustained physical contact with her wife was helping calm some of the oversensitive nerves in her body which she was grateful for because the physical pain she had been dealing with all day had been intense.

"I told them they could come tomorrow," Carina said, "But to text first so if you aren't up to it, you don't have to see them."

"I think it will be good to see them," Maya said, brow furrowing as a wave of pain washed over her.

"You alright?" Carina asked, seeing the look on her wife's face.

"Just some pain," Maya said, "It's gone now. Or not gone exactly, but not so bad."

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