Part 26

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They watched the movie for about half an hour, Maya struggling to stay awake. Carina wanted to just tell her to let her body rest, but she knew Maya really wanted to be able to do PT again this afternoon and also knew it was important for her wife's mental health to be moving around so she didn't push her to sleep.

Carina herself was feeling slightly better rested after the nap she got during Maya's therapy, her stomach finally seeming to be able to settle for more than an hour at a time. It still hurt and didn't feel well, but she wasn't having to drag herself to the bathroom quite as much which she counted as a win.

Just as she felt Maya's head lull over onto her shoulder for the third time in the past five minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey," Jared said, coming in with Emily again, "Is now an ok time?"

"Yeah," Maya said, forcing her head back up, rubbing at her eyes which were still kinda puffy from her session with Diane, "What's the plan?"

"I was thinking first, we will get you up and walking a little bit," Jared said, "If you are feeling up to it?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "For sure."

"Good," he said as Carina got out of the bed, "And then I want to start working on some light resistance band activities with your right leg. I talked to Dr. Hunt, and he said as long as you are feeling ok, we can do that. Sound good?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded as Jared lowered the bed some. "Ok," he said, "Emily, her legs?"

"Got it," the young woman said.

Soon enough, Maya was again sitting on the edge of the bed, Carina standing in her normal spot near the wall, smiling at her.

"Ready?" Jared asked, getting into a position to help her stand.

"Ready," Maya nodded, leaning on him a little bit as she was helped up.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as Emily popped the walked into Maya's left hand.

"Good," Maya said, almost taking a deep breath only to have her ribs and abs protest, "God, my abs are so sore."

"That is probably going to take a few months to go away completely," Jared said, wincing a little as Maya glared at him, "Hey, you had pretty intense abdominal surgery. And then you had multiple drains coming out. You are going to have to give it all time. We will work on it, but I am under pretty strict instructions from Dr. Grey to not let you do much with those abs for at least the first month post-op. We will work on it though, I promise. But lifting anything over about 5 lbs. is going to be out for quite a while."

Maya sighed, nodding. That told her at least the bare minimum of the timetable she was looking at for going back to work. Without use of her abs, she couldn't even wear her turnouts because they were so heavy. The jacket alone weighed close to 20 lbs., more if she had any tools or anything in it.

It was hitting her all of a sudden just how long this recovery was going to be and before she knew what was happening, tears were streaming down her face.

"Woah," Jared said, "Hey, what's going on?"

Maya couldn't speak, Carina coming over quickly, Jared stepping back and letting the wives have a moment.

"Bambina, Shhhh," Carina said, feeling sobs running through Maya's body, feeling her stiffen as pain rippled through her abdomen because of the shaking, "Calmati. Per favore. Whatever is happening in your head, it is going to be ok."

Maya just held onto her wife as much as she could, tears continuing to stream down her cheeks. Carina made sure she was supporting a lot of Maya's weight to keep the pressure off her weak body.

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