Part 34

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Maya slept for close three hours, Carina asking the nurse to cancel her evening round of physical therapy because she knew her wife was exhausted and didn't need to push her body any more tonight. She also knew Andy was coming tonight and she wanted Maya to be able to enjoy her time with her friend without being any more exhausted than she already was.

While Maya slept, Carina worked on her breathing exercises and then started reading some of the latest research on gastroparesis, making sure she would have as much knowledge as possible to be able to help Maya.

Carina knew the test still needed to be done tomorrow, but she had been worried that Maya had gastroparesis for a few days now because of how sick to her stomach she had been. She was very sure that the tests were going to show that Maya did indeed have gastroparesis so she wanted to be prepared. She found herself lost in the latest medicines and surgeries and other treatments for the disorder.

Carina knew they would probably never know the cause of this issue in her wife, but part of her was hoping that the c. diff might have caused it because that would mean there was the possibility it would go away. She decided not to mention that to her wife though because knowing how things had been going, Maya was probably going to be stuck with this for the rest of her life.

Carina just hoped that Maya would be able to actually get on the right meds to help her stomach function properly so she would eventually be able to lose the NJ-tube. Maya moved a little in her arms, Carina gently stroking her hair and settling her back down.

The Italian then grabbed her phone, checking her messages. Andy texted her around 4, asking if she could come by in about an hour.

As Carina texted her back, Maya let out a small groan next to her, eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning Bambina," Carina smiled, "How are you feeling?"

"Less pukey," Maya said, rubbing her eyes, "But I think I need to go to the bathroom."

"Alright," Carina said, "Do you want the nurse?"

"Just you if that's ok," Maya said, "If you can just help me across the bed?"

"Of course," Carina nodded, grabbing the bottom sheet, knowing how to move Maya by herself.

Once Maya was upright, Carina made sure she had the cane before they started toward the bathroom, Carina making sure the toilet was set up so the nurses could continue to track Maya's kidney function.

After helping Maya get her pants off, Carina left her with some privacy. The fact that she was standing outside the bathroom as her wife was using it made Carina feel extremely emotional because not long ago, she wasn't sure Maya was ever going to have a functional kidney back. When she heard Maya call that she was done, Carina tried to brush the tears off her cheek as she went back into the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" the blonde asked, immediately seeing the tears on her wife's cheeks.

"Nothing," Carina said, helping Maya stand up, "I just was thinking that about the fact you walked to the bathroom and that you are physically able to use the bathroom and I am just so proud of you and so happy with how far you have some and it made me stupidly emotional."

"Aww," Maya said, smiling at her as they stopped at the sink for Maya to wash her hands, "You're so cute."

"Shut up," Carina said, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"I love you," Maya said very seriously as she turned to look at her wife, puckering her lips so Carina would lean down and kiss her.

"I love you too," Carina said, giving her a kiss. Maya tried to deepen the kiss, but her bad leg wasn't having it and she almost fell, Carina catching her before she did.

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