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I woke the next morning to a sharp pecking on my forehead. I sat upright, cursing. 

"Blimey, Hedwig!" I seethed at the bird. Hedwig blinked up at me innocently, reaching her leg out to me. Attached to it was a letter, tied with with black silk.

I gently untied it from her leg, rolling my eyes at her harmless façade. The letter was thick parchment, with a Hogwarts emblem in golden ink at the top of the page. I impatiently brushed the hair from my eyes, and reached for my glasses. Hedwig gave me a playful peck as I reached past her. 

"Ruddy owls," I muttered, and began to read:

Champions of the Triwizard Tournament,

Congratulations on being selected! You are among the best and brightest of wizards for your age, and have been awarded the chance to win 1000 galleons, along with eternal glory! Please be at the office of Albus Percival Wulfuric Brian Dumbledore at 9am in order to be briefed on the rules and regulations.


The Triwizard Team

I glanced at my watch. 8:52. Oh, Merlin! I cursed, jumping out of bed and pulling on jeans, a red knitted 'H' jumper from Mrs. Weasley, grabbing my wand, glasses and filling my pockets with sickles, remembering my promise to meet up with Eric later.

I sprinted down the stairwell, hearing Ron's sleepy voice call out something ineligible as I bounded out of the common room. The Fat Lady tutted loudly at me, her dotty pink pajamas reminding me strongly of Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. 

I ran down several confusing hallways, paintings shouting at me from every direction, some darting out of sight, their hair in rollers- or, more horrifically, the ones that appeared to have slept naked.

Finally I stopped, panting and sweaty, in front of Dumbledore's office. I checked my watch. 9:00am. I pushed Dumbledore's door open, exhausted and red faced. Several pairs of eyes turned to watch me as I entered. Bonnie at least, seemed happy to see me. She gave me a dazzling smile, while the other champion, my partner and apparently worst enemy, Draco, rolled his eyes. Dumbledore stood, blue eyes shining, on the other side of his desk, next to Amelia Bones, Professor Kraus and Professor Marseille.

Dumbledore checked his odd, planetary watch, then clapped his wrinkled hands together.

"Welcome," He said warmly, "To the first official briefing of the Triwizard Tournament.  Today, we will go over the rules. In two weeks, the first task will be held. A month after that, the next one will be held. Then, one month later, it will be time for our final task."

"Dumblydore, does zat include preparation time?" Asked Professor Marseille in a thick accent. She shot a thin lipped smile toward Bonnie, as if she were lazily bored of Dumbledore talking.

"Yes, indeed it does Professor Marseille." Dumbledore nodded, then reached into a draw in his desk, pulling out a yellow lolly. "Anyone for a sherbet lemon?"

Professor Kraus ignored him, instead taking the opportunity to glance distastefully toward Draco. "Dumbledore, the champions- must they be set in stone?"

Dumbledore gave him a calculating look. "I'm afraid I don't understand quite what you're trying to say, Professor Kraus."

Draco interrupted, his grey eyes blazing with fury. "Can we change our champions?" He spat, and glared at Professor Kraus. "Is that what you're trying to ask, Professor?"

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