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The second task. Tomorrow would come, and I knew everything would change. I knew he was doomed.

Franklin had just left the hospital wing. He'd sat beside my bed, his face twisted in a cruelly satisfied smirk.

"So," He said slowly. "The plan is set."
I stared at him, eyes unable to focus since Harry left. I just kept seeing his hurt face, over and over again.
"Draco." Franklin frowned.
"Yeah?" I said blankly.
"Did you hear what I said?"
He sighed in annoyance. "The dark lord wants to speak to you."
I was caught aback. "What?"
Franklin glared at me, barely concealed envy clear in his regal face.
"Lord Voldemort will contact you. He entrusts you alone with his plan. Expect him."
Franklin then strode out, throwing open the door of the hospital wing with the ease and smugness of a man who was about to have all his dreams come true.

I'd been staring blankly ahead since. The terror that was tearing me apart was crawling up my body, making me ice cold and shivery. But, in my head, all I could see was Harry. The first time I'd ever seen him, his grin to my scowl. His face before I'd forced him to leave the hospital wing. I couldn't tell him how badly I wanted him to stay.

It was stupid, I know.

But I just wanted to protect him.

My stupid Merlin-forsaken feelings.

A flash of blue light caught my eyes. Cruel, sunken ones stared back at me. I almost screamed at the scale-like skin, the flat nose and the snake-like appearance of the disembodied blue face staring at me, similar to Harry's bright golden face after he'd been selected as my partner for the first task.
The one I hated most. What a joke.

But I didn't cry out. I gulped, and made my face emotionless.

"My Lord." My head bowed slightly before I looked back at him. A shiver crept up my spine.

His mouth twisted into a callous grin. The floating blue head made my body lie still. It didn't feel as if I were even a human. That I was just a pawn for him, the wizard who wanted Harry Potter dead.

"Draco," he purred, voice high and icy. "What a pleasure it is to talk to you."
"I'm honoured, my lord."
He smiled approvingly. "Of course you are."
There was a pause.

"Draco, by the end of the day, the wizarding world will once again be helplessly devoted at my feet. I will require you to prove yourself to me today, in the murder of Harry Potter."
Harrys hurt face once again flashed behind my eyes, the pain in my heart unbearable as I struggled to keep my expression neutral.
"I will meet you during the second task. I will require your assistance in beating and disarming Potter, as I will only concern myself with his death. Do you understand?"
A force beyond myself made me nod dully. My body and mind was in a constant ache, the pain plucking and pulling at me like the rip of an ocean.

It was so unfair, I thought as the face of Voldemort vanished with a flicker.
It was so unjust.
Harry deserved the world. He deserved someone like Eric, who would protect him and love him like he deserved.

I was enlisted to kill him. To play a part in his death. When I wanted to play a part in his life, as sick as that made me feel. To be with him, not cause his demise.

My Harry.

I would be forced to kill my Harry.

It was only a few hours now.

A few hours until he would die, and my own heart would become frozen forever as I surrendered to the darkness.

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