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The second task. It was here. It always felt like it was far away, too much so to even consider. But then again, I guess my mind was pretty full already, without much space for anything that wasn't Draco Malfoy (and his final release from the Hospital wing), or keeping up the whole 'Eric façade'.

Because, somehow, I was still with him. I couldn't explain it to Ron or Hermione, or even myself. I meant to end things with him. To cut that final, straggling cord that tied us together. But every time I worked up the courage, Eric would smile at me, and his expression would make me stop in my tracks. Because he looked at me like-

I don't know. He always smiled softly when he saw me. His hands would automatically go to my lower back, just to let me know he was there. He treated me kindly, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't think he was falling for me.

I knew he was. I knew he was, just because if I had the chance, I would act like that toward him. If he let me just a tiny bit closer, he would know it too.

I didn't have a reason. I didn't have a sense of why. Just that it was him. There was something different with who he was. Who I was.

It was stupid, feeling like tis about someone who hated me. Someone who wanted me dead, judging from his dark mark. But every night, when I closed my eyes, it was him that I saw. It was him who chased away the darkness.

The morning of the second task was cold. Rain woke me up early, and not for the first time, it was the thought of Draco Malfoy that started my day.

That was the final straw for me. Since the Hospital wing, his longing expression when he said my first name, he'd gradually been taking up more and more room in my mind. But I couldn't do this. I just couldn't be another mans boyfriend when I felt this intensely about someone else. Even if that someone else wanted me dead.

I sat up groggily. Hedwig, who had been patiently waiting on my bedside table, gave me a sharp peck as a greeting. I winced, then untied the rolled up letter from her leg.


Meet with me in the owlery.

Yours, Eric

I stared at it. My mind was made up. I took a deep breath before allowing myself to get ready. It was now or never, and my mind was finally made up.

I walked in to the owlery, the light hooting and smell of feathers and fresh dirt greeting me kindly. I used to come here, when I started at Hogwarts. It was familiar, reminding me of summers I used to spend working on farms while the Dursleys watched. It had been hard work, but at the time, it was the most at home I had felt. The animals, at least, knew what it felt like to be caged up with practical strangers.

"Harry?" Erics warm voice made me turn. He smiled when he saw me, but the corners of my mouth remained set in a neutral expression.

"You'll be wondering why I sent you that letter. Harry, I won't lie to you. I just needed you to know, before you do the task, that you're special to me. Harry, I-"

He took a deep breath.

"I love you, Harry."

I inhaled. "Oh."

Eric was watching my face, hopefulness plastered all over his handsome face.

My stomach turned over. I gulped. "Eric,"


He looked at me, as if seeing a long future together. With pets, kids, careers as aurors and a modern little home. I grimaced. Now or never.

"Eric, I want to break up."

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