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I scanned the Great Hall for my friends in other houses. After grinning at Cho Chang, my gaze turned to the Slytherin table, where the Durmstrang institute had installed themselves. I dismissed most of the glares, but a pair of grey eyes caught mine. I looked into them, and smiled softly. He was glaring too, but not as if he was just jumping on the bandwagon that Slytherin house did. It was like he truly meant it. My grin faltered slightly.
His pink mouth shaped the word cunt. I smiled at him, not sure exactly why. Sorry, I mouthed back.
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, avoiding my gaze.
"Harry," Hermione said, pulling my arm. I looked at her, smiling warmly.
"Who were you smiling to?"
I cocked my head. "Some Durmstrang kid."
She raised an eyebrow and looked at Ron, who grinned.
"Thought you were looking at Cho," Ron teased.
I blushed. "Not sure why you would think that, honestly."
"Oh yeah, no idea." Hermione added sarcastically. Ron and I burst out laughing.
"I don't like her anymore!" I protested. They giggled like little kids. "Like obviously she's my friend, but-"
"Harry Potter?" A voice interrupted. The three of us looked up into warm brown eyes. They belonged to a fit boy from Beauxbatons. He was a friend of the champion, a girl named Bonnie.
I could see Ron and Hermione exchange glances behind me. I flushed pink, noticing his friends were looking across at us, whispering to each other.
"Yeah," I grinned up at him.
"I'm Eric," he brushed the hair out of his eyes.
"I go to Beaxbatons."
I looked at his uniform, my eyes flicking up to his playfully. "I could tell."
He smiled self-consciously.  "Sorry," he apologised, blushing slightly.
I laughed. "Don't be."
He flicked his hair out of his face and peered at his friends, who were giggling and nudging each other, gesturing at us.
"I'm sorry about them," he muttered.
"Its all good." I promised. We smiled at each other. Ron cleared his throat, and Eric blushed.
"I'd better go back to my table." He apologised.
"I'll see you soon, Harry."
"You too." I gave him a little wave. He smiled, and jogged back over to where the Beaxbatons kids were seated.

"Harry," Hermione started, eyes sparkling. "I totally ship you guys."
"I thought I was the only one." Ron sighed dramatically. Then he smiled. "But she's right, you know."
I pushed them. "Oh, shut up." They exploded with laughter.
"Haaaaaric," Hermione crooned. Ron cracked up.
"Okay, okay." I scolded them. "Hey so, what do you reckon the first task's gonna be?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.
"Dunno, man," Ron said, wiping the laughter from his eyes.
Hermione eyed me, concerned. "You have to start preparing, Harry." I rolled my eyes at her sudden change of tone. I wasn't sure which I preferred.
"Lay off, Hermione. It's like the first day." I grinned. She frowned.
"It's the start of the second week, Harry. Durmstrang and Beaxbatons arrived only a few days ago."
"Guys," Ron interrupted. "Don't look now, but Eric is staring at Harry."
Obviously we both whipped around, and saw Eric looking determinedly in the other direction, cheeks red, while his friends cackled with humour. Ron and Hermione laughed. I hid a smile, looking down at my food.
Hermione leant back. "Haric." I looked at her, smiling and shaking my head. She closed her eyes. "I ship it."

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