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What. The fuck. Is wrong with me.

My thoughts stretched painfully across my mind, distorting my vision into pools of regret. What the fuck, Malfoy? I thought angrily. What the fuck was that? Did I really just tear myself open in front of Mr perfect Potter? I covered my face with a pillow, groaning internally.

"All right, poof?" A drawling voice trailed down the stairs. I sat up quickly, the pillow falling to the floor. I winced, quickly bending down to grab it, holding it to my chest tightly.

"Ello, Franklin." I nodded warily.

"Chuck me my fags." He gestured boredly to a pack of cigarettes on the beside table next to my own. The room had been set out like a dormitory room, with four wooden beds with thick fur bedding. The other two boys kept to themselves most of the time, but Franklin was part of the self proclaimed Draco Malfoy hate club. I avoided his gaze, and reached over to them.

Unfortunately, my lack of coordination caused the pillow to fall, bumping my arm and scattering his cigarettes all over the floor. My face paled.

"Fuck! Sorry, I-"

He was quiet for a moment. I wondered wildly if he would just hit me, or if he was angry enough to hex me as I dropped to my knees and began quickly picking them up.

"For Merlin's sake," He murmured. I glanced up at him. He was rubbing his temples tiredly. He did look rather exhausted. Large dark bags were adamant underneath his eyes, as if he hadn't slept in a week. "Malfoy, why can't you just be normal, for fucks sake?"

I felt myself stiffen. "I am normal."

"You wouldn't be such a target if you were," he retorted. His insults lacked the usual mocking tone, replaced with a casual boredom. I eyed his hand. To my surprise, it wasn't even itching toward his wand. Surely he could have cursed me by now?

"Malfoy, I can't be assed jinxing you. I've had a long bloody day. Just chuck me a fucking fag, will you?"

I glanced toward his face, confusion plastered over my face.

"Accio cigarette," I muttered, feeling his eyes watch my wand movement. I tossed him a cigarette, and he sat down on his bed, opposite me.

"Incendio minimus," he tapped his own wand to the butt of the cigarette and took a long drag. He sighed, exhaling a cloud of dull grey smoke. "You can sit down. I'm not gonna do anything to you, Malfoy."

I sat opposite him obediently, eyes fixed on my own pale hands, which were fidgeting in my lap.

"Bloody triwizard tournament. Kraus isn't doing anyone any favours by having us stay here with all these Hogwarty mudbloods."

I was quiet as he exhaled another puff, until his eyes drifted toward my face.

"You're one of the champions, isn't that right, Malfoy?" He questioned, flicking his long dark hair from his eyes with a swift flick of his head.

I nodded, my mouth dry. Surely now? Now he would laugh at me, call in his onlooking friends to curse me and take the piss?

He didn't. He just watched me carefully, like a lazy panther.

Finally, he smirked. "Malfoy, do you know who Lord Voldemort was?"

I eyed him warily. Did I know? My father was his right hand man! He was imprisoned for his time with the Dark Lord!

"Then you'll know that he left us." Franklins eyes sharpened, taking my silence as conformation.

I shook my head. "He died, you mean."

Franklin smiled, his teeth sharp and predatory. "No, Malfoy. Lord Voldemort is back."

I didn't answer. I just stared at him. The thought of Harry Potter flashed involuntarily through my mind, burning his golden face into my brain.

"Malfoy," Franklin watched me, smiling dangerously. "He's recruiting again. My father sent me an owl this morning, and told me to alert Lucius Malfoys son. We're back."

My head spun painfully. Voldemort? The lord I had grown up praising? The one who wanted to exterminate half the wizarding world, and rule the muggles with an iron fist? The would-be murderer of Harry Potter?

"Malfoy? Isn't this great news?" His eyes shone crazily as he grinned at me.

"Great," I whispered.

This seemed to satisfy him. He leaned back, triumphantly. "I knew you would see reason. I'll owl my father immediately. He must know that the Malfoy heir is on our side."

He shot me a wicked grin, then scurried out, tiredness forgotten. I was still frozen to the spot.

What the fuck had just happened? My long time tormenter had just recruited me to praise the Dark Lord once more?

Hadn't he died when I was young?

Hadn't my abusive father and all of our family friends gone to Azkaban as the result of his death?

Hadn't he perished after trying to kill Harry Potter?

I felt cold. Why, out of everyone, did it have to be Harry Potter? And why, out of everyone, did I have to like Harry Potter? I mulled each factor over in my brain. Pros: My family would be whole again, order would restore, and for the first time in my life, it was possible that I could have actual friends, judging from Franklins warm reaction after I had agreed to join his side.

But cons...

Harry goddamn motherfucking Potter would be the price to pay.

A/N: Hello! Sorry about the shorter length of this chapter, but it's a lot of new information and I wanted to put it properly! What do you guys think? Voldemort is back, and Draco's got a big choice ahead of him... to be, or not to be?

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