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I am getting stronger.

The magical beasts are now standing with us, the sphinx that Dumbledore used as a plaything now an ambassador of my return. All thanks to little Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy. Lucius's boy. Already, he proved a better servant than his father had been. More... What's the word? Useful.

The boy would be the key for my return. I watched, through my long, spindly fingers as Nagani sidled up to me. She watched me carefully.

"Yes Nagani?" I asked politely. 

She hissed, a sound to any normal wizard that would be ineligible. 

I am not a normal wizard.

"I know you want to eat her. You may, in about a day or two.  Once the Polyjuice potion has ripened, I'll just need a couple hairs."

Nagani whined, her tail flicking up to curl around the bars of the cage which held the girl. I watched her for a moment while she slept.

"You're right, Nagani," I said slowly. Thoughtfully. "She doesnt have to be alive to supply her hair, does she?"

Nagani writhed where she lay, itching for me to open the cage.

"I suppose I can't let my favourite snake starve, now can I?"

She practically grinned, fangs stretching over her scaled skin. 

"You may have dinner, Nagani. Then, by the days end tomorrow, the potion will be complete, and I will take her form. Hogwarts will be mine by the time the task finishes." I smiled cruelly toward the sleeping girl at the cage. My wand twitched, and she immediately woke up, disoriented at first, but fear caged her, eyes like a wild animal.

I tilted my head when her gaze fell on me. Realization set in, and her hands jumped to her mouth. 

"He who must not be named!" Her French accent was heavy, and tears sprang to her eyes. I stood, bringing my wand to her eye level.

"Avada Kedavra," I whispered.

The green light shot her in the heart, and the girl was dead.

I sat back down, and let Nagani eat her dinner.

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