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Merlin, that boy is messed up, I thought angrily, storming back to the castle. Instinctively, I looked over my shoulder, at the huddled up blonde by the lake. 

He looked as if he were in a painting; the smooth lake, the ancient, Pirates of the Caribbean-esque ship, mist hanging over the water, and the small boy who motionlessly stared, like he was used to being alone.

I smiled softly at Draco's back, knowing he couldn't see me, then turned away, and continued to walk back to the castle, casually sneaking another glance backward.

The sun was shining behind the clouds, framing the landscape heavenly. I closed my eyes for a moment, suddenly exhausted. I'm a champion, as much as I don't want to admit it. I'm only seventeen, for Merlin's sake. In the last televised tournament one of the champions died, and the other two were heavily injured, one only winning because she was willing to set an angry hippogriff on another champion. I remember Crabbe being busted in third year for sadistic behavior. 

Personally, I could never threaten someones life, let alone knowingly end someones life for my own gain. I'm not a goddamn monster.

"Harry!" A light voice called. I opened his eyes to Eric's toned, dark body. His firm arms were on display in a polo shirt, and I felt myself eyeing him. I tore my eyes from his fit body and looked into his chocolate eyes, blushing slightly. Eric was grinning bashfully. "Am I interrupting something?"

I threw his head back and laughed, grateful for a distraction from my slightly inappropriate thoughts. "What's up, Eric?"

Eric smiled, blushing darkly. "Professor Marseille said there would be a Hogsmeade trip this weekend... I don't know if you wanted to go with me, or go at all, we could just go as friends, I don't-" 

My heart skipped a beat. Just as friends? I placed his hand on Eric's chest to pause him. It definitely worked. Eric stopped mid-sentence, slightly breathless. I held back a smirk. Maybe not just friends.

"I would love to go with you to Hogsmeade, Eric. Where do you want to meet?"

Eric grinned widely. "I don't care, honestly, Harry."

I thought about that. "Well, I have a champion meet early morning, but if you could meet me outside of Dumbledore's office afterwards?"

Eric smiled, a look of pure happiness on his face. "Sounds amazing, Harry," A group of Beauxbatons students milled out from where they were staying in the Forbidden Forest  and called out to Eric.

"Eric! Marseille wants to see you! Quit talking to your boyfriend and hurry up!" 

The two boys blushed, and Eric waved a quick goodbye, beaming as he ran toward the forest. I watched as he playfully smacked the girl that yelled about us being boyfriends. She shrieked and hit him back, while the two other guys laughed and pat Eric on the back supportively. I smiled softly, locking my fingers together. Only a couple of Hogwarts students were gay, and it was obvious that Hogwarts wasn't a very progressive school. I'd only come out as bisexual to Ron and Hermione, and even then, at times I felt alone.

The bell rang, and I was thrown back into reality, blinking.

"Shit," I muttered, and ran to get to class.

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