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Oh god, I hate him. I hate his stupid hair, his stupid friends, his stupid ego and literally everything else you could ever hate in a human being.

He found me at the edge of the Black Lake, staring into it's depths.

I whipped my head the fuck around, and had to stop myself from gawking (in hatred) at the perfect boy in front of me. His hair was windswept, and it didn't help that he kept running his hand through it. He gave me a gentle smile. I glared at him, curling my lip.

"Merlin, Potter! You can't just fuck up to me and scare the shit out of me!" I yelled indignantly.

His tender grin faltered slightly. I guess they didn't swear that much in Hogwarts.

"I- Draco, I wasn't-"

"Don't fucking call me Draco, Potter. My name is Malfoy."

"Well, that's your surname, mate, technically, I-"

"What the fuck do you want?" I hissed.

He frowned, pushing his hair back. "Well, we are gonna be teammates. I feel like we should probably start trying to be civil."

I laughed humorlessly. "Potter, you do realize we got each other because we fucking hate each other? I'm not just going to be friends with you now, golden boy. Now get the fuck away from my lake."

He wouldn't budge. "Look, Malfoy. I don't want to do this any more than you do-" I scoffed. "But I think it's more important that we actually are on okay terms and don't want to kill each other . We're a goddamn team now. We have to work together."

I sneered at him incredulously, then turned my head back to face the lake.

He sighed. "Fine, mate, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I stared straight ahead, ignoring him. He stayed for a moment, then exhaled loudly and strode away.

My eyes were fixed to the Durmstrang boat in the middle of the lake. There was a small gang of boys, sitting on the edge, dangling their feet over. One of them pulled out a pack of fags and the rest of them took one. A great burst of laughter drifted from the boat toward me. The group of them ventured below deck, acting like a normal group of teenage boys, fake fighting and taking drags of their cigarettes. I sighed as the group of them disappeared.

Why did everyone hate me? Was I that much of a cunt? I know I definitely wasn't in my first year. Everyone hated me then, even still. The second I came to Durmstrang I was beaming, laden in brand new, slightly over sized robes. I was so damn excited. What the fuck happened? All of that excitement is gone now. I guess I should've predicted it, seeing as the first words I exchanged with someone at Durmstrang as a first year was when a kid and his 5th year brother came up to me, just to spit in my face  and call me gay. I looked up at them, being small for my age, and just blinked in confusion.
I thought perhaps they mistook me for someone else.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. It's a pleasure." I tried to smile.

The 5th year laughed right in my face.
"I'm sure you're happy just to see a boy, aren't you?" He snickered. "Fucking faggot."
The rest of the room chuckled timidly.
The 5th year wasn't satisfied. "Isn't he a fag, boys?"
The red of the room joined in, jeering and laughing as I was pushed to the floor. My eyes were brimming over with tears when the professor finally walked in.

"Thomas? What are you doing to this poor boy?" The professor asked jokingly.

"Sir, guess what? The kid's an actual fag. How bout that, sir?"

The professor grinned, not giving a damn. "C'mon, Tom, leave the poor fruit alone."
The 5th year laughed out loud, then left with the professor, chatting jovially about homework due the following week.

I never spoke to that kid again, but his words stuck to me like a bonding spell. Everywhere I went I was made fun of, bullied for something I never did. Getting a girl to go with me to the Spring formal was hell. I ended up skipping and getting drunk in the library. The teasing just got worse after that.

I shuddered. What the hell was the point of any of this? The stupid triwizard tournament, winning the cup, even surviving the games... I honestly can't see why.

My depression gets worse with the cold weather, I decided gloomily. I bundled up my blanket and stood up. Those boys would be coming back up deck soon. And if they saw me staring at them, well... I'd hate to be me. More than I already do. And Merlin, that's saying a lot.

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